





Seven patients underwent soft tissue reconstruction with free anterolateral thigh (ALT) flaps including six fasciocutaneous and one musculocutaneous flap associated with the vastus lateralis (VL). Four patients underwent the reconstruction for coverage of head and neck defects, including two with buccal cancer, one with tongue cancer, and one with extensive facial burn scars. Two patients required lower extremity reconstruction, including one with a chronic diabetic foot ulcer and the other with a crush injury resulting in tendon exposure in the dorsum of the right foot. The seventh patient had chronic sternal osteomyelitis after coronary artery bypass graft. All flaps survived without complications. Three donor sites were closed primarily and the other four larger defects with skin grafts. Morbidity at the donor sites was limited and acceptable after six months of follow up. According to our experience, the anterolateral thigh flap based on perforators of the descending branch of the lateral circumflex fem oral artery is a reliable and versatile flap. It can be used in almost any composite defect without difficulty.
