  • 期刊


Revisions of Original Copies from Xiamen: The Cover Images and Publication Network of Minnan Songbooks in the Bodleian Library




From the Minnan songbooks found in the Bodleian Library of Oxford University, we can see there are some that carry the label on the cover "照廈門原本改良" (revisions based on the original copy printed in Xiamen) or " 廈門會文堂原本" (original copy printed by Xiamen Huiwen Tang). Theoretically, these songbooks were printed by Huiwen Tang from Xiamen because the label "Printed by Xiamen Huwen Tang" or "Published by Xiamen Huiwen Tang" is clearly shown on the back cover. However, these copies of songbooks have a different cover design from that of the copies original printed by Xiamen Huiwen Tang. Therefore, this paper will focuse on the cover design and image of Minnan songbooks in the Bodleian Library of Oxford University and further discuss the transnational business network of songbooks, paying attention to their printing techniques, their contents, their publication and distribution.


songbooks Bodleian Library Huiwen Tang Xiamen


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