  • 期刊

Isokinetic and Isometric Contraction of the Quadriceps and Hamstring Muscles in Normal Young Adults



為了建立大腿股四頭肌(quadriceps muscle)及屈膝肌(hamstring muscle)之等速及等長收縮正常值,乃利用Cybex II 等速肌力測量儀,對22位正常年輕男性及24位正常年輕女性,分別在每分鐘5、10、20及30轉(RPM)度的角速下作等速收縮測試而等長收縮則分別在膝屈曲45、60及90度時測其股四頭肌的肌力,在膝屈曲30、45及60度時測其屈膝肌的肌力。結果發現等速收縮的最大肌力值隨著角度的增加而遞減。在正常男性,股四頭肌的最大等長收縮肌力值出現在膝屈曲90度時,而女性則出現在膝屈曲60或90度時。無論男性或女性,屈膝肌的最大等長收縮肌力值均出現在膝屈曲30度時。股四頭肌和屈膝肌無論是等速或等長收縮肌力值均與受測者的體重及大腿周長呈正相關性。以股四頭肌而言,女性肌力值約為男性的58.3~76%,而屈膝肌則為60~66%。若把男女體重的影響排除掉的話,則比值增為66~79%,但女性的肌力值仍顯著地比男性低。若將男性等長收縮最大肌力值(以英呎.磅為單位)除以體重(以磅為單位),則其結果約等於1(1.08),這樣一來可以更容易地比較其他肌力值。正常人兩側股四頭肌肌力值的差別應在25%以內,而屈膝肌應在35%以內(註:以兩個標準差計算),若超過此範圍則是不正常。




Summary In order to establish normal data of the isokinetic (IK) and isometric (IM) contraction of the quadriceps (Q) and hamstring (H) muscles, 22 normal young men and 24 normal young women were tested with a Cybex II Isokinetic Dynamometer at the speed of 0,5,10,20,and 30 rpm (0 rpm= isometric contraction). The IM contraction was tested at 45, 60, and 90 degrees of knee flexion in the Q muscles, and at 30, 45, and 60 degrees in the H muscles. Peak IK and IM torque of Q and H were obtained from both sexes. The peak IK torque values were significantly decreased as the speed in men, and at 60 or 90 degrees in women. The maximal IM strength of H muscles was found at 30 degrees in both sexes. Both IM and IK torque of Q and H were positively correlated with the subject's body weight (BW) and thigh girth. The ratio of females to males ranged from 58.3 to 76 per cent for Q torque, and ranged from 60 to 66 per cent for H torque. If BW was taken into consideration, the ratio became higher, ranging from 66 to 79 per cent, but the strength of females was still significantly lower than that of men. The maximal IM torque(ft-lb)in men expressed as torque per pound of BW was approximately 1(1.08), which made the comparison with other torques easier. Normally a subject's Q torque in ”non-dominant” leg should be equal to or greater than 75 per cent of that in the ”dominant” leg. For H muscles, the ratio should be 65 percent or higher.
