  • 期刊


Appliccation of electroacupuncture for the treatment of psot-stroke paresthesia



本研究應用中國傳統醫學之針灸理論進行腦中風後遺症異常感覺電針治接之研究,對腦中風後有異常感覺之病患在頭部感覺區與肢體行針剌和電刺激。病患共20例,男女各10例。電腦斷層掃描大多數為腦皮質下病變。每星期治療一次,療程三十分鐘,共三個月。治療前及治療後效果評估以”視覺”自覺評估尺表”為之。結果有改善之病例共有15位(75%)( 顯著改善者有11位(55%),部份改善者有4位(20%),沒有改善者共有5位(25%)。病患異常感覺愈嚴重者其改善程度愈多.但電針治療療效之機轉至今仍無定論。


中風 感覺異常 電針


In a prospective study we applied electroacupuncture, according to the concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine and previous studies of electrostimulation, to patients suffering from post-stroke paresthesia. Electroacupuncture over the head and limbs was applied to 20 patients with post-stroke paresthesia. All patients received brain CT scan examination of which most revealed subcortical lesions (19 subcorlicai lesions and 1middle cerebral arterial territory infarction). The duration of treatment was thirty minutes and each patient received electroacupuncture treatment once per week for 3 months. The evaluation of the treatment effect was according to the patient's self-estimation using a visual analogue scale. The results demonstrated improvement in 15 patients (75%) (more than 30% relief of the paresthesia); obvious improvement in 1 I patients (55%)(more than 50% relief) and a small improvement in 4 patients (20%) (the degree of relief between 30% and 50%) and no improvement in 5 patients (25%),There was a greater improvement in patients With severe symptoms as compared with moderate and mild cases. At present, the exact mechanism of the treatment effect is still unknown.


stroke paresthesia electroacupuncture
