  • 期刊


A Study of Vocational Rehabilitation in Work Injuries-Rehabilitation Resources Survey of Work Injuries in Taiwan



職業災害往往造成勞工本身工作角色的喪失,產生家庭經濟問題和國家社會生產力的損失,如果傷殘勞工接受職業復健,則重返工作率會提高。本研究主要目的是在調查國內職業災害傷殘勞工復健醫療資源及職業復健的情形。 本研究對象為我國設有復健科和職能治療服務的機構。復健醫療資源調查使用「中華民國復健醫療人力資源與服務概況調查表」和 「中華民國職能治療人力資源與服務概況調查表」。本研究之資料分析採SPSS for WINDOWS,統計分析以百分比及平均值為主,對於非醫療機構之職業復健現況則採電話詢查方式。 復健醫療和職業訓練資源調查發現:目前我國僅有台北榮民總醫院設有職業能力鑑定中心,其他並無任何機構設置該單位。在69家回收問卷機構中,完全知道職業復健/工作強化計畫目的者僅佔15.9%,顯示出台灣目前職業復健機構之缺乏及封職業復健之認知不夠。復健醫療人力及資源調查結果,也顯示其不足,一些非醫療機構則僅提供就業輔導和職業訓練,極需專業人才協助職業復健部份。日後在推展職業復健工作時仍須整體性規劃人力及設施。


Work-related injuries will cause injured worker's role dysfunction, and result in family economic crisis and national productivity loss. The purposes of this research are to investigate the resources of rehabilitation medicine and vocational rehabilitation in Taiwan. One hundred and fifty-six rehabilitation facilities and 118 occupational therapy units received two different questionnaires to investigate the services they provided. The SPSS for WINDOWS was used to describe and analyze the data. The information of non-medical rehabilitational facilities was collected by phone calls. The returning rate was 44.23% from rehabilitation facilities and was near 100% from Occupational therapy units. The findings from the investigation of rehabilitation and occupational therapy units were that there was only one facility (Veterans General Hospital) provided job/work capacity evaluation and only 15.9% units from the 69 respondents realized the aims of vocational rehabilitation and work hardening program. It revealed that vocational rehabilitation facility was extremely inadequate and most of the rehabilitation team members were lack of knowledge and skills about vocational rehabilitation. Also the manpower of vocational rehabilitation is insufficient.
