  • 期刊


Relationship Between Ventilatory Equivalent for Carbon Dioxide and Ejection Fraction of Left Ventricle





Cardiopulmonary exercise testing is a powerful non-invasive mean for objectively assessing the exercise response of patients with cardiovascular or respiratory disease. The ventilatory equivalent for CO2(V E/V CO2)derived from gas exchange analysis is considered to be an estimate of dead space ventilation and provides an assessment of the efficiency of minute ventilation during exercise. Clark and associates showed that the V E/V CO2 ratio differentiated patients into subgroups in terms of the severity of congestive heart failure by measuring the maximal oxygen consumption and the duration of exercise time. Our study was designed to differentiate patients into subgroups by measuring the ejection fraction of the left ventricle, an index of ventricular function. The V E/V CO2 ratio during exercise was measured in 36 patients and these patients were divided into three groups which included 13 patients with an ejection fraction above 50%, 13 patients with an ejection fraction between 35% and 50% and 10 patients with an ejection fraction below 35%. We plotted the V E/V CO2 ratio versus time and found that there were no differences between the three groups. Our plot differed from the plot of Clark et al. According to our results, the curve for V E/V CO2 versus time was not able to predict the severity of heart function.
