  • 期刊


Clinical Studies of Voiding Dysfunction among Asymptomatic Diabetic Subjects



Uroflowmetry and ultrasonic residual urine measurements had been done to 85 urologically asymptomatic diabetic patients and 20 control subjects. The prevalence of voiding dysfunction was 60% (51/85), and increased residual urine was found in 27% (23/85) of diabetic patients. The abnormal findings included increased residual urine (23/85), interrupted urine stream (9/85), voiding with abdominal strain (31/85), low flow rate (28/85), and enlarged bladder capacity (6/85). The group with voiding dysfunction had lower maximal and average flow rate, longer voiding time, and larger residual urine amount than the diabetic patients with normal voiding function and the healthy controls. The voiding volume and bladder capacity did not differ significantly in the three groups. The prevalence of voiding dysfunction was higher in men than in women (P=0.02). The group with voiding dysfunction had longer duration of diabetes than the group with normal voiding function (P<0.05), in contrast, there was no difference in serum HbA1c level between these two groups. The presence of voiding dysfunction was strongly associated with peripheral neuropathy in feet (P<0.01), however, it was not associated with peripheral neuropathy in arms or cardiac autonomic neuropathy. Authors suggested that all patients with long-standing diabetes should have non-invasive urologic screening tests for evaluation of voiding function and given voiding instructions to avoid urine retention, urinary tract infection or irreversible renal damage.


Uroflowmetry and ultrasonic residual urine measurements had been done to 85 urologically asymptomatic diabetic patients and 20 control subjects. The prevalence of voiding dysfunction was 60% (51/85), and increased residual urine was found in 27% (23/85) of diabetic patients. The abnormal findings included increased residual urine (23/85), interrupted urine stream (9/85), voiding with abdominal strain (31/85), low flow rate (28/85), and enlarged bladder capacity (6/85). The group with voiding dysfunction had lower maximal and average flow rate, longer voiding time, and larger residual urine amount than the diabetic patients with normal voiding function and the healthy controls. The voiding volume and bladder capacity did not differ significantly in the three groups. The prevalence of voiding dysfunction was higher in men than in women (P=0.02). The group with voiding dysfunction had longer duration of diabetes than the group with normal voiding function (P<0.05), in contrast, there was no difference in serum HbA1c level between these two groups. The presence of voiding dysfunction was strongly associated with peripheral neuropathy in feet (P<0.01), however, it was not associated with peripheral neuropathy in arms or cardiac autonomic neuropathy. Authors suggested that all patients with long-standing diabetes should have non-invasive urologic screening tests for evaluation of voiding function and given voiding instructions to avoid urine retention, urinary tract infection or irreversible renal damage.
