  • 期刊


A Study on Structural Analysis of Functional Independence Measure in Taiwan





A total of 827 Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scores, which from three separate cohorts research from 1995 to 1998 in Taiwan, were conducted the structural analysis of FIM. The 872 subjects included residents of nursery center, outpatients of neurology and neuro-surgery clinics as well as inpatients and outpatients of rehabilitation department. Both principle factor analysis and Rasch model analysis were able to identified two major factors of FIM in Taiwan. There were thirteen items in the first factor which was named as motor function factor, and five items in the second factor which was named as cognitive function factor. From our results, the FIM in Taiwan differed from the original FIM in item calibration, according to Rasch model analysis. Differences were observed in cross-culture usage of tools for measuring activity of daily life. Since there were high inter-item consistence, stepwise multiple regression were applied to establish a short measure form. The form included only eleven items but it was demonstrated to correlate well with the eighteen items in the original FIM. It seems to us that some redundant information is included in the FIM when it is clinically applied in Taiwan and, consequently, it should be carefully evaluated for the potential problems.
