  • 期刊

Intramuscular Sensory Neurolysis : A New Technique to Control Spasticity



此報告乃初試「肌肉內感覺神經阻斷術」(IMNS)來控制痙攣狀態之成果展示。IMNS之注射法類似「肌激痛點(MTrP)之注射法」,亦即使用快速,短距(1mm)針刺MTrP以引發「局部抽搐反應」來確認感覺神經末稍之位置,以便注入石炭酸(Phenol)。結果顯示不論是主觀或客觀之評估,皆可看出立即減少「痙攣狀態」。此方法之優點包括: (一)需時(每一MTrP只須3-5分鐘)較短,(二)石炭酸之用量較少,(三)對肌肉傷害較少,(四)較無全身性副作用,(五)較無肌無力之副作用,(六)費用較低。


This preliminary report demonstrated a new technique, “intramuscular sensory neurolysis” (IMSN), to control the muscle spasticity. Similar to myofascial trigger point (MTrP) injection, the needle were rapidly inserted, for a short distance (1 mm) each thrust, into the MTrP region (in the endplate zone) to elicit local twitch responses to identify the terminal sensory fibers for phenol injection. Immediate relief of spasticity was noticed both subjectively and objectively after IMSN. As compared with the traditional motor point block, the advantage of IMSN includes: 1) less time (usually 3-5 minutes for each MTrP region) required to perform the whole procedure in a site, 2) less amount of phenol solution required to inject a muscle to obtain significant therapeutic effectiveness, 3) less trauma to muscle, 4) Less systemic side effects, 5) no obvious side effect of motor weakness, and 6) less cost.
