  • 期刊


The Effect of Meditation on Cardiopulmonary Fitness in Patient with Stroke: A Preliminary Report



It is well documented that regular exercise can improve cardiopulmonary function and health-related fitness. However, major limitation of exercise therapy lies in physiologic and environmental factors, which is particularly true for patients with physical disability such as stroke. A standardized Buddhist meditation skill, Forshang Meditation (FM), was adopted; and this paper described the long-term effects of FM on cardiopulmonary fitness. Seventeen patients ( 1 female and 16 males; mean age 70.8 ± 4.8 years, range 61-78 years ) with a history of cerebrovascular disease and low extremity of hemiplegic side above Brunnstrom stage V were recruited. Baseline data of cardiopulmary function were collected prior to the meditation training. The same tests were repeated after a half-year training period. These participants attended the training program of meditation once a week. Each of them was asked to practice meditation at home for at last 30 minutes a day. After completion of mediation training, only 5 participants agreed to repeat the cardiopulmonary function evaluation. As compared to the decreasing in Max of the controlled group, the experimental group showed that the FM could improve Max ( from 18.9 ± 5.7 ml˙kg-1˙min-1 to 22.7 ± 6.2 ml˙kg-1˙min-1, P < 0.05 ); there were non-significant improvement in anaerobic threshold (AT), time to AT, % Functional Aerobic Impairment, Dyspnea Index and total exercise time. It is concluded that the FM could improve aerobic capacity and health-related fitness in patients with stroke. It may be prescribed as a suitable conditioning exercise for patients with physical disability.


禪坐 靜坐 中風 心肺適能


It is well documented that regular exercise can improve cardiopulmonary function and health-related fitness. However, major limitation of exercise therapy lies in physiologic and environmental factors, which is particularly true for patients with physical disability such as stroke. A standardized Buddhist meditation skill, Forshang Meditation (FM), was adopted; and this paper described the long-term effects of FM on cardiopulmonary fitness. Seventeen patients ( 1 female and 16 males; mean age 70.8 ± 4.8 years, range 61-78 years ) with a history of cerebrovascular disease and low extremity of hemiplegic side above Brunnstrom stage V were recruited. Baseline data of cardiopulmary function were collected prior to the meditation training. The same tests were repeated after a half-year training period. These participants attended the training program of meditation once a week. Each of them was asked to practice meditation at home for at last 30 minutes a day. After completion of mediation training, only 5 participants agreed to repeat the cardiopulmonary function evaluation. As compared to the decreasing in Max of the controlled group, the experimental group showed that the FM could improve Max ( from 18.9 ± 5.7 ml˙kg-1˙min-1 to 22.7 ± 6.2 ml˙kg-1˙min-1, P < 0.05 ); there were non-significant improvement in anaerobic threshold (AT), time to AT, % Functional Aerobic Impairment, Dyspnea Index and total exercise time. It is concluded that the FM could improve aerobic capacity and health-related fitness in patients with stroke. It may be prescribed as a suitable conditioning exercise for patients with physical disability.


meditation stroke cardiopulmonary fitness
