  • 期刊


Shoulder Injury in Taiwan Elite Baseball Players: Role of Ultrasonographic Examination


肩關節病變是棒球選手最常發生之運動傷害,過去對於棒球選手肩關節傷害常偏重於問卷調查及身體檢查,而缺乏客觀之評估工具,特別是在台灣缺乏相關之資料。本研究的目的在於利用問卷、理學檢查及超音波檢查來評估本國甲組棒球選手之肩關節,以了解目前本國甲組棒球選手肩關節受傷情形,並探討超音波檢查所扮演的角色及應用。24名甲組棒球選手同時接受問卷調查,身體檢查及靜態和動態超音波檢查。問卷調查強調肩關節是否曾有疼痛存在及疼痛位置,身體檢查則以Speed test,Empty can test,及Hawkins-Kennedy impingement test為主,超音波檢查則利用Sonosite 180 (Sonosite Inc., Bothell, WA) 之10MHz探頭,採標準檢查方式。結果顯示在24名選手中有18名(75%)曾有肩關節疼痛病史,在檢查時仍有13名(54%)選手有肩關節疼痛,但這些選手仍持續參加練球或比賽。超音波檢查最常見的異常為旋轉肌於肱骨接點處骨頭皮質不規則,佔所有被檢查選手之42%。但是,超音波檢查的結果和身體檢查的結果卻沒有統計上相關存在,顯示超音波檢查異常與否和選手臨床症狀並無相關。 由本研究,我們認為本國甲組棒球選手有很高的比率曾有肩關節的受傷,而單獨之超音波檢查不是篩選棒球選手肩關節病變之良好工具,需配合臨床症狀之存在與否為宜。


超音波 運動傷害 肩關節 問卷


Shoulder injuries occurred frequently in elite baseball players. They are generally evaluated by questionnaire and physical examination and lacking of objective study such as a high-resolution ultrasonography especially in Taiwan. This study attempted to investigate the status of shoulder injuries in Taiwan elite baseball players by questionnaire and physical examination and defined the role of ultrasonographic examination in this type of injury. Twenty four elite college baseball players were recruited in this study. All the participants completed a questionnaire consisting of the training and injury history, and underwent Speed test, Empty can test, and Hawkins-Kennedy impingement test. Ultrasonographic examination was conducted by Sonosite 180(Sonosite Inc., Bothell, WA) with a 10 MHz linear transducer. The result showed that 18 of 24 players had history of shoulder injury and 13 of them still suffered pain at the point of evaluation, but they kept going on practices and competitions. The most frequent abnormality on ultrasonographic examination was irregular humeral cortex (42%) at the insertion of rotator cuff. Unexpectedly, there was no correlation between the findings of ultrasonographic examination and the results of physical examination. We concluded that there is a high prevalence of shoulder injuries in Taiwan elite baseball players. Ultrasonographic examination must correlate the clinical symptoms in defining the shoulder pathology.


