  • 期刊


The Relationship of Justice Perception and Customer Organization Commitment: An Intervening Effect of Customer Satisfaction


現有顧客滿意理論認為消費者會從「結果公平認知」、「程序公平認知」與「互動公平認知」,評估是否獲得公平對待,進而形成滿意度之判定。本研究植基於此,以服務補救後三種公平認知,探討其對顧客滿意度,以及後續顧客組織承諾之影響。 研究結果發現:(1)服務失誤發生後,當財務補償愈多,則顧客之結果公平認知愈高;當服務補救之執行速度愈快,則顧客之程序公平認知愈高;當服務人員態度愈親切,則顧客之互動公平認知愈高。(2)公平認知對顧客滿意度具有影響力,且當結果公平認知、程序公平認知、互動公平認知愈高時,顧客滿意度愈高。(3)公平認知各構面對顧客滿意度之影響顯著不同,以結果公平認知的影響最大,其次是互動公平認知,相對最小是程序公平認知。(4)服務補救後,顧客滿意度愈高,則對企業之顧客組織承諾將愈強。


Current theories on customer satisfaction believe that customers evaluate whether they have been fairly treated from perceptions of outcome justice, procedural justice, and interactive justice, which in turn determines customer satisfaction level. This research intends to investigate the effect of service recovery on justice perceptions, customer satisfaction, and customer organizational commitment. The following are key findings: 1. Following service failure, the customer's outcome justice perception improves with the amount of financial compensation; his procedural justice perception improves with the speed of service recovery; and his interactive justice perception improves with the attitude of the staff. 2. Justice perception has a large impact on customer satisfaction. As the customer's justice perceptions-outcome, procedural and interactive-rise so does his customer satisfaction. 3. The different types of justice perception have various degrees of impact on customer satisfaction level. Outcome justice perception has the biggest impact, followed by interactive justice perception and lastly, procedural justice perception. 4. Following service recovery, customer organizational commitment is strengthen if customer satisfaction improves.


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