  • 期刊

Personal Selling Practices and Marketing Mix: An Exploratory Study of Hotel Catering in Taiwan



台灣國際觀光旅館宴會業務部門的營收往往佔了餐飲收入之50~60%強。因此,有必要去探討宴會業務人員之個人銷售技巧,並且藉由行銷組合分析來瞭解宴會業務部門之營運狀況。 本研究從個案研究的角度使用深度訪談法,分別於台北及台中等地訪談30 位國際觀光旅館宴會業務人員。研究結果顯示,個人銷售技巧最被重視的為達成預設之銷售目標以及維持良好的團隊精神。除此之外,滿足消費者特定需求與培養後繼之宴會業務總監,被視為所面臨的重要挑戰。此外,五家旅館之行銷組合亦分別討論。結論、建議與行銷意涵一併陳述,以為學術界與業者參酌之依據。


Banquet and catering income usually occupies 50-65% of the F&B revenue of a five-star hotel in Taiwan, which in turn accounts for 23-30% of the total revenue. Thus, it is imperative to explore the selling skills of the catering sales staff along with the understanding of the operation of the department of the catering sales of a hotel. Furthermore, the success of catering sales cannot be isolated from implementing marketing mix to fulfill a hotel's goal. This study employed 30 catering sales in-depth interviews among five hotels in Taiwan. Research findings showed that attaining the pre-planned sales performance targets and maintaining coherent teamwork are the personal selling and sales management strategies most often emphasized. Satisfying customers' unique demands and nurturing a successor for the catering director were difficult challenges and problems often faced by each of the surveyed hotels. Marketing mix of each surveyed hotel is discussed. Results, implications, and recommendations are also provided for both academic and practitioners' reference.


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