  • 期刊


The Study of Correlations among Interview Language Usage and Political Attitudes in Taiwan


本研究檢視在調查研究中,不同方言使用的情況以及語言使用與民眾的國家認同與統獨偏好之間的關聯。本研究中發現,民眾在「台灣人/中國人」自我認定上,與其面訪使用的語言間有顯著關聯性。也就是在訪問進行時,當使用語言是台語時,民眾愈傾向認為自已是台灣人;而使用國語時民眾愈傾向認為自已是中國人。此發現顯示民眾的日常語言使用與其國家認同之間,存在某些關聯。不過,訪問時使用的語言與民眾在統獨議題立場的關聯性,卻並不顯著。 本研究的發現,似乎顯示了:相較於「台灣人/中國人」自我認定這種比較傾向文化或是歷史層面的傾向,民眾的統獨立場,則透露了更深一層理性的思考,以致於在訪問時語言的使用,與民眾的歷史、生活、文化關係密切的「台灣人/中國人」自我認定密切相關,卻與民眾的統獨立場,沒有直接的關聯。這個研究結果,對於台灣地區調查研究方法以及政治認同的相關研究,是頗具建設性的。


In this paper, we examine how different dialects used in survey research, and present how language usage might be correlated with people’s national identity and Taiwan independence preference. It was shown that people’s national identity was correlated with language used in face-to-face interviews. People speaking Taiwanese dialect were more likely to identify themselves as Taiwanese, and people speaking Mandarin were more likely to identify themselves as Chinese. It indicated that language used by people’s daily life conversation might be a cue for their national identity. Therefore, national identity is more likely to connect with cultural dimension. However, in surveys, there was no connection between language usage and people’s preference on Taiwan independence issue. From our findings, comparing with people’s “Taiwanese/Chinese” identity, people’s preference toward unification with mainland China or Taiwan independence is more likely to be a rational choice between two alternatives. For students of survey research and political identities research in Taiwan, our research findings are very constructive.


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