  • 期刊


The Study on Knowledge Management, Information Technology and Organizational Citizenship Behavior-The Empirical Analysis of Ship Industry on Kaohsiung


台灣面對經濟發展型態的瞬息萬變,在知識經濟的浪潮下,任何類型的知識均須經過有系統的知識管理活動方能發揮其效能。資訊科技是企業面對全球化競爭的重要武器,企業莫不積極加強資訊建設,以提高其競爭力。因它不僅為顧客提供快速的服務;也可為企業建構良好的知識管理系統以累積知識資產;可用來當作策略變革與創新的媒介,為企業增加競爭優勢。 本文以高雄地區造船產業為研究對象,進行問卷調查研究,探討該產業透過知識管理活動、資訊科技運用,是否會影響其成員在組織公民行為的表現。透過實證之結果,本文發現知識管理、資訊科技運用分別對組織公民行為產生正面且顯著的影響;其次,資訊科技運用在知識管理活動對組織公民行為各構面均產生正面且顯著的影響。顯示造船產業除了投入知識管理活動外,還可透過資訊科技運用的效果,使員工逐漸养成相互合作、協助以幫助企業降低部門間工作上的衝突,以提高組織成員間的效率,進而達到組織公民行為的作用。本文結果與建議可作為造船產業推行知識管理活動規劃之依據,並期許組織藉由知識管理活動的推展與資訊科技的運用,促進成員在組織公民行為的表現。


Taiwan faces of rap4dly changing economic development pan now. Under the concept of knowledge economy, every type of knowledge must work through systemically knowledge activity. When 6diwiss faces global competition, information technology can play an important role. So enterprises enforce their information technology to improve competitive ability. Information technology can not only offer rapidly service for customs, but also help enterprises to construct knowledge system and accumulate knowledge assets, aid to be a media of strategic aid innovation, to increase competitive advantage. This research chooses ship industry on Kaohsiung as sample, uses questionnaire method to explore whether knowledge management activity and information technology can influence their organizational citizenship behavior. Through empirically research, knowledge management activity and information technology both can influence organizational citizenship behavior positively and apparently. It clearly to show ship industry should devote knowledge management activity and information technology to create cooperation culture and to decrease conflict among employees. Knowledge management activity can increase organizational efficiency and achieve organizational citizenship behavior. This research offers conclusion and suggestion to plan knowledge management activity and information technology, through this process to improve organizational citizenship behavior.


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