  • 期刊


The Factors of Burnout to the directors of Elementary Schools' General Offices in Hua-Lien



眾所皆知,長久以來國民小學總務主任一職乃由教師兼任,但由於一般的師資培育機構及主任培訓課程,並未針對此一工作有詳實的介紹及訓練,加上總務工作的專業性及法律規章的複雜性,總務主任對於執行業務,常感到心有餘而力不足,進而導致工作的倦怠(burnout),對於總務主任個人及學校的行政和教學,產生負面的影響。基於此一旨趣,本研究首先普查花蓮縣106所國民小學的總務主任,以瞭解其工作倦怠的實際現況。再者,以文獻探討之歸納爲基礎,藉由總務主任的訪談及問卷普查,建立工作倦怠因素的層級體系。最後,以花蓮縣具有國民小學總務主任經歷之現任校長、主任及教師爲研究對象,以階層程序分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)呈現總務主任工作倦怠相關因素之權重分配。期望研究結果與建議,能作爲改善總務主任工作倦怠之參考。 本研究結果顯示: 一、花蓮系國民小學總務主任有中等程度以上的工作倦怠感受,其中以「工作投入」與「工作情緒」兩個層面較爲嚴重。二、花蓮縣國民小學總務主任工作倦怠相關因素可歸納爲三個層級,各層級因素間之相對權重分配情形如下: (一)第一層級因素及權重爲「環境層面因素」(37.6%)、「個人層面因素(35.8%)及「工作層面因素」(26.7%)。 (二)「個人層面因素」下的第二層級因素包括「能力因素」(權重15.8%)、「心理因素」(12.8%)及「背景因素」(7.2%)。 (三)「工作層面因素」下的第二層級因素包括「工作性質」(12.6%)、「工作責任」(8.2%)及「工作資源」(5.9%)。 (四)「環境層面因素」下的第二層級因素包括「學校氣氛」(12.9%)、「校長領導」(12.1%)、「社會支持」(8.8%)及「外在酬賞」(3.7%)。 (五)第二層級因素下共可分爲31個第三層級因素,經由整體因素權重排序的結果,較爲重要的因素依序爲「處理問題的能力」(6.7%)、「人際關係的能力」(6.3%)、「與校長的理念是否相符」(5.6%)、「人格特質」(5.2%)、「對總務工作的興趣」(5.0%)、「工作上的專業要求」(5.0%)、「師生們的配合程度」(4.6%)、「溝通的方式及管道」(4.3%)、「同事間的情誼」(4.1%)、「法律風險」(3.9%)、及「工作的負荷量」(3.9%)等。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors of burnout to the directors of general affairs of elementary schools in Hua-Lien, Taiwan, and to construct the weight systems of burnout factors by using Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP. This study will provide the implications of improvement to directors' working condition. First, based on the literature review and in person interview, this study collected possible factors of burnout; then, by using a questionnaire, this study survey the degrees of directors' burnout and whether the factors were suitable. Second, based on the findings of the first step, the hierarchical structure of the burnout factors was constructed and evaluated by 21 experts who included the elementary schools' princepals, directors and teachers who have experienced in general affairs. Finally, by using AHP, the hierarchical structure of the burnout factors was weighted. The findings of this study were as follows: 1.Elementary schools' directors of general affairs had burnout to their job. In particularly, ”job participant” and ”working emotion ”were the two highest categories of burnout. 2.In the first level of the hierarchical structure, the weight ratio of the burnout factors were ”environmental factors”(37.6%),”personal factors”(35.8), and ”working factors” (26.7%). 3.The second level of the structure has ten factors totally. Three of them were included in ”personal factors”, and their weight ratio were ”ability” (15.8%),”psychology”(12.8%),and ”background” (7.2%). 4.Another three factors in second level which belonged to ”working factors ”were” working characters”(12.6%),”working responsibility”(8.2%),and ”working resource”(5.9%). 5.The last four factors which included in ”environment factors ”were” school climate”(12.9%),”principals' leadership style”(12.1%),”social support”(8.8%), and ”external reward”(3.7%). 6.There were thirty one factors in the third level, and the more important factors and their weigh tratio were ”ability of problem solving”(6.7%),”ability of human relationship”(6.3%),coworker”(4.1%), ”degree of work bearing”(3.9%),and ”law risk”(3.9%).


