  • 期刊


Parental Involvement in School Education: Rationales, Practical Issues, and Strategies for Improvement





The purpose of this article was intended to offer a further analysis of the related concepts of parental involvement in their children's school education, including the rationales for and barriers to parental involvement. The author strongly claimed that parents have legal rights to be involved in school activities to protect their children's educational interest. Parental involvement was also considered as a useful way to connect schools with communities, promote school accountability, enhance children's learning, and provide schools with needed resources. The author also suggested that parental involvement area should be extended to all aspects of their children's school life; however, the level of parental involvement might be different, based on parents' background and school context. Several factors were considered as barriers to parental involvement, such as the difference in SES (socio-economic status) between parents and school educators, school educators' concerns about parents' interference with school operation, school's limited institutional autonomy, the bureaucratic nature of school organizations, and the poor function of parents' organization. Strategies for facilitating parental involvement were suggested in the later part of this article, including diversifying the ways of parental involvement, designing parental involvement as the content of teachers' training program, implementing site-based school management policy, establishing home-school partnership, and strengthening the cooperation between schools and parents' organizations. In the final part, the author emphasized the importance of home-school partnership which is characteristic of shared sense of ownership, mutual respect, and equal status on both parts. The author concluded that parental involvement in school education should be considered as an evolving process, rather than a satic status.


