  • 期刊


A Modified Delphi Study to Identify the Technological and Computer Competencies for Elementary School Teachers



本研究目的在藉由花師附小教師成長團體活動探討國民小學教師資訊、科技素養基本能力的理論基礎及教師基本能力的內涵。本研究採用質與量並重的研究法,在質的方面,以學校本位的精神在花師附小的教師成長團體中邀集同好進行相關文獻探討、分析、整理及研究。在文獻探討過程中整合諸多資訊素養、科技素養教育及師資教育理論、經驗、及研究成果,並以結構化的能力項目分析表(Table of Specification)分析科技及資訊素養的內涵及能力項目,以建立各階段問卷設計的結構性效度(Construct Validity)。並邀請資訊教育、科技素養教育、師資教育專家審查問卷設計,以作為德懷術(Delphi)問卷的基礎。爲建立各階段德懷術問卷內容的深度、廣度。本研究邀請了大專院校資訊教育、科技教育學者及其他學校的資深老師共十人加上附小教師教師成長團體成員十人一起來做德懷術(Delphi)問卷研究。修正的德懷術法(Modified Delphi)是一種專家導向、發展性、預測性的調查研究法,是一種廣泛運用於教育計畫、課程設計、趨勢預測的未來學研究法。經由三次反覆的問卷調查,收集全體德懷術小組的觀念、意見資料,並提供基本描述統計作爲下一回問卷作答的回饋及參考資料,以逐步建立專家學者與附小教師對研究觀點及問卷內容的共識。 在經過三次Delphi問卷調查及統計分析後,共獲得以下幾點結論: 一、學校本位的教師專業發展活動的基本理念:(1)教師專業發展應配合學校的需要來推動(2)教師專業發活動的場所應盡量在學校進行(3)師資培育機構應把其教學與研究活動盡量與學校真實情境直接結合。 二、全體參與研究的專家在六大類、六十五個資訊、科技素養基本能力項目的重要性上普遍獲得到一致性的意見。 三、在各個資訊、科技素養基本能力項目的重要性上,總計有四十二個科技素養基本能力項目獲得到“高重要性”而且“一致性”的意見。有二十三個科技素養基本能力項目獲得到“中等的重要性”而且“一致性”的意見。本研究認定國小教師必須具備資訊與科技素養專業知識與能力,將可作爲將來各學校辦理教師進修課程及師資培育課程之參考。 四、針對“一致性”的檢驗,第一回問卷與第二回問卷有四十八個能力項目達到“一致性”結果,同時也有十八個能力項目的改變率低於百分之十五。第二回與第三回問卷,全部六十五個能力項目都達到“一致性”結果,同時有三十二個能力項目的改變率低於百分之十五的穩定性的水準。 五、本研究結果顯示全體Delphi工作小組成員都很重視這次參與研究機會,慎重填答問卷,整個研究過程有協調也有堅持,並沒有明顯的散漫、任意填答的現象。


The purpose of this study is to identify and validate the technological and computer competencies, which are considered important and need to be addressed in school-based, teacher in-serviced, training programs, to ensure the elementary teachers are capable of presenting technological and computer literacy concepts and content as well as guide technological learning activities for students in their elementary classroom. Implementation of this study involved a school-based managed model that included an in-service teacher training program, a consultant panel validation procedure, and also a three round modified Delphi study to identify and validate the technological and computer competencies. The consultant panel validation procedure involved a particularly qualified group of teachers, as to what technological and computer competencies are important for elementary teachers. The Modified Delphi technique are used in this study because it offered the best probability of obtaining consensus within a group of experts and it does not require face-to-face interaction. Upon completion of the Delphi data analysis, the measures of group consensus, the mode, median, standard deviation and quartile-deviation, are calculated. The ascertaining of group consensus occurred by using a criterion-based standard of a quartile-deviation less than 1.0. The technological and computer competency statements with high importance rating and group consensus are considered the most important, i. e., necessary for elementary school teacher in an in-service training programs. The Delphi process resulted in all of the 65 technological and computer competencies achieving consensus, i. e., exhibiting a quartile-deviation less than one, by the last round of Delphi study. These competencies are analysis then compared by standard deviation of importance ratings, and quartile-deviation. All the competency items reveales steady or decreased, in both standard deviation and quartile deviation. Upon completion of the Delphi data analysis, five conclusions are drawn from the findings of this study.


