  • 期刊


The Study of Estabilishing the Inner Sense of Community School by the Principals of Elementary Schools


現今工商業的發展不僅帶來經濟結構的改變,也使得學校在結構方面朝向科層,人際方面產生嚴重疏離,衍生出許多的校園問題。有鑑於此,許多學者認為建立具內部社區感的學校,將有助於解決目前校園因疏離感所產生的種種問題。 本研究即在探討國小校長如何經營學校內部社區感,所採用的研究法是焦點團體訪談,透過中介者與六位焦點對象之訪談,提出建立具內部社區感的學校可採行之方式,進而形成之要素。研究結果共產生六大要素,分別是:1.鼓勵參與學校事務,滿足成就感之需求(Fulfillment and attainment);2.創造共同的回憶和價值(Anamnesis and value);3.透過分組和校際服飾,標示成員身份(Membership);4.使成員彼此熟悉並密切互動(Intimacy and interaction);5.設置整潔、溫馨與多功能的環境(Love and caring environment);6.將學校核心價值融入全年課程裡(Year-round and value-centered curriculum),將此六大要素稱為「FAMILY」精神。 並提出以下之建議:1.鼓勵參與學校事務須顧及師生之專業或能力;2.嚴防小團體的產生;3.融入家長擴大內部社區感的範圍;4.爭取經費部分改造學校環境。


Today's industrial development entails not only the change of economic structure but also this development moves the schools' structure toward hierarchy. This leads to the alienation of human and produces many schools' problems. According to this condition, many scholars believe that establishing the inner sense of community school will be helpful to solve these problems. The primary purpose of this study was to examine the ways to establish the inner sense of community school. The focus group interview was provided to the study. By the interview of moderator and six focus subjects, the six main effects were produced. Those were: 1.Fulfillment and attainment; 2.Anamnesis and value; 3.Membership; 4.Intimacy and interaction; 5.Love and caring environment; 6.Year-round and value-centered curriculum. They were called the 「FAMILY」spirit. The suggestions are made according to the drawn conclusions and are stated as follows: 1. In encouraging the participation of school's affairs should put teachers' professionality and their ability into consideration. 2. To strictly avoid the establishment of sub-groups in school. 3. Incorporate parents in order to expand the horizon of the sense of the community-school incorporation. 4. To strive for more budget in order to improve environment of school.


