  • 期刊


The Struggle and Reconstruction of Female Subjectivity in the Personal Prose of Fen-Ling Chou


在台灣以往的文學創作中,女性的自我呈現與剖析往往是以較為隱晦的形式,像是小說或是新詩等有距離性的方式來呈現。如探索其因,其實不難發現,因為在文學類型中,不論是內容、風格、主題等方面「都離不開個人化的色彩」的散文,是最為貼近作者的一種文類;但也因為如此,讓諸多散文創作者在論及家族、感情及自我生命等較私密的部份時,較易隱惡揚善、多所保留。而當代散文家周芬伶,卻以其一貫「勇敢而真實的面對自己」的創作觀,來完成一個創作者自身的生命故事。鄭明娳借用日本「私小說」的名詞來說明,如果散文作者的文本範圍僅侷限在小我上,這種較為狹窄的意識形態的散文,稱之為「私散文」。周芬伶在「小我」中展現出女性的真實生命經驗,並以其私散文開闢出一條不同的散文之路。 本文首先以周芬伶從1985年到2005年私散文作品之創作歷程為縱軸,探討周芬伶在散文創作過程中與台灣當代其他散文作家極為不同的「私散文」部分;之後再以其私散文中,周芬伶的家族書寫、女性友人的生命故事、周芬伶與其女性友人在婚姻中其女性自我之掙扎、女性眼中的物中自我等事物為橫軸,爬梳出周芬伶私散文中的女性生命意涵。


周芬伶 私散文 女性主體


In the traditional literary works of Taiwan, the Feminine identity and analysis is usually expressed through subtle regrets. Examples can be found within novels or new-age/modern poems, which the authors illustrate using detached/third-person perspective. Such approach can be readily traced back to the prose describing the personal experiences of the author. Most describe the author's family, relationship, and personal privy. Because the nature of personal experience is intimate, these literary works are individualized and tend to be very reserved. Ming-Li Cheng coined the term ”personal prose” to describe literary works that focus on the author's self experience, in reference to the Japanese term ”personal novel.” Fen-Ling Chou broke new grounds by adopting the ”face-yourself realism” to achieve full-revelation from her personal life stories, which had not been attempted prior. Through the creative process of Fen-Ling Chou's ”personal prose” from 1985 to 2005, this paper will explore the uniqueness of her literary works. In addition, the underlying theme of ”female subjectivity” is revealed from her family stories, personal-life of female friends, her marriage, and her own feminine-identity crisis.


