  • 期刊


E-Commerce Market of Textiles



21世紀全球產業趨勢,己朝全球化、資訊化及市場客戶導向發展。尤其網際網路技術的日新月益, 更帶動了行銷方式的革命,創造一個前所未有的新領域。隨著B2B電子商務的風起雲湧'企業整體的經營環境也不得不隨將採購與行銷的範圍延伸至全球,將決戰的舞台擴大至電子商務領域。我國紡織產業在面臨未來2005年全球經貿環境自由化之重大改變,除了必須加強研發,提昇產品競爭能力之外,為了配合主導市場品牌商多變及速度化之需求,更必須加速產業電子化,與品牌商維持良好之顧客服務關係,有效達到縮短交期及快速反應的要求。 此外,為了縮短採購產品之時間、成本及維持產品品質,國外買主亦有依供應商之電子化能力而逐步篩減供應商數量之趨勢,此舉更警示我國業者,除了必須及早將企業電子化溝通之能力提昇到符合買主之水準外,同時更必須加強開拓其他行銷空間,分散行銷市場,尋求更多的商業機會。 本計畫未來所擬推動之「紡織產業電子市集」即構築於上述之產業背景,以虛擬電子市集做為產業電子中樞(e-Hub) ,配合實體布樣中心連作,針對產業環境不具效率之產銷環節,進行流程重組,節省買主蒐尋供應商、產品之成本及時間,增加交易媒合機會,以集中化之採購行為及商業交易整合產業供應練系統,協助供應商快速反應市場需求,進而開發新的客源,擴大跨國貿易商機。此外,透過「紡織產業電子市集」之推動,亦將可加速紡織產業交易電子交換標準之建立,對促進整體產業電子化速度及實質企業電子化能力提昇'亦具有相當正面之意義。


The trend of global industry in the 21st century has followed the globalization, information and marketing client orientation. Especially, the breakthrough of Internet techology drives the revolution of marketing and creates a new field that has never been found before. Following the surge ofB2B e-commerce, the management environments of the industries have to extend their purchasing and marketing boundary globally, and compete in the field of e-∞mmerce. Facing the impact of future global trading liberalization in 2005,our fabric industry should accelerate electronic in industry to cope with the requirement of versatility and speeds by leading market blend companies as well as enhancing research and promoting product competition. In addition, there is a trend that foreign buyers have gradually sieved and reduced the numbers of providers according to their ability of conducting e-commerce to shorten the purchasing time,∞sts and maintain product quality.The infonnation gives a warning to our industry. We have to improve the electronic communication ability to conform to buyer standards. At the same time, we should explore other marketing space; disperse markets to find more commercial chances. Based on the above industrial background, this project plans to set up“the Fabric Industry E-commerce Market”. It will use virtual e-commerce market as an industry e-Hub and cope with the operation of the real fabric center to reconstruct the ineffcient marketing joints in the industry. It will save buyers' time and costs to find their suitable providers and foster matching. Also It will help providers to quickly respond to market requirements through centralization of purchasing behaviors and coordination of industry providing chain system, then to explore new customers and extend international business. In addition, the propagation of“the Fabric Industry E-commerce Market”can accelerate the construction of fabric industry e-commerce exchange standards. It has a positive meaning to foster the electronic change speed of the whole indutry as well as promoting real electronic ability of the enterprises.

