  • 期刊


Solvent Effects of Grafting Methacrylic Acid and Acrylic Acid Monomers onto Polypropylene Fibers



In this study, the grafting of methacrylic acid and acrylic acid onto polypropylene fibers using benzoyl peroxide as a chemistry, initiator has been investigated. The influence of different solvent ( Toluene, Xylene, Chlorofonn, Dichloroethane ) on the kinetics of the reactions were studied. The activation energy, kinetics of the reactions, dependence of rate of grafting on the monomer and initiator concentrations and chain transfer constant for solvent on the grafting yield of grafted fibers in the presence of solvent at different conditions of grafting will be examined. The results indicated that the better grafting yield occurred at solvent concentration of 25g/L at methacrylic acid and acrylic reaction systems. In general, the lower activation energy could be achieved if the solvent’s solubility parameter closed to the polypropylene fibers, especially the dichloroethane. In the methacrylic acid and acrylic acid reaction systems, the dependence of rate of grafting on the monomer and initiator concentrations are Rp = k[MAA]0.72[BPO]1.00 and Rp> =k[AA]0.91[BPO]0.17 respectively


In this study, the grafting of methacrylic acid and acrylic acid onto polypropylene fibers using benzoyl peroxide as a chemistry, initiator has been investigated. The influence of different solvent ( Toluene, Xylene, Chlorofonn, Dichloroethane ) on the kinetics of the reactions were studied. The activation energy, kinetics of the reactions, dependence of rate of grafting on the monomer and initiator concentrations and chain transfer constant for solvent on the grafting yield of grafted fibers in the presence of solvent at different conditions of grafting will be examined. The results indicated that the better grafting yield occurred at solvent concentration of 25g/L at methacrylic acid and acrylic reaction systems. In general, the lower activation energy could be achieved if the solvent’s solubility parameter closed to the polypropylene fibers, especially the dichloroethane. In the methacrylic acid and acrylic acid reaction systems, the dependence of rate of grafting on the monomer and initiator concentrations are Rp = k[MAA]0.72[BPO]1.00 and Rp> =k[AA]0.91[BPO]0.17 respectively
