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Silviculture of Bamboo Seedlings-Phyllostachys pubescens



以1985年1月於南投縣鹿穀鄉鳳凰村孟宗竹開花竹林內6株母竹所採種子,培育種子苗後,在南投縣魚池鄉之三角崙(第1區)及草瀾(第2區)進行造林試驗,第l區係於1989年栽植31株種子苗之單株/分株共208株,第2區則於1990年栽植同一批種子苗中14株之單株/分株188株,對此兩區試驗地自1989的年(第1區)及1990年(第2區)起至1994年止調查其生長之結果,摘要如次: 一、孟宗竹屬於散生型竹類,惟其種子苗發芽後之初期係叢生,經叢生-散生-大小年形成-直徑生長穩定等階段成長,本試驗之材料栽植時屬於散生期,調查期間則應屬大小年形成期,其生長尚非穩定,栽植後之2-3年主要係受地下莖是否分生以及所分生地下莖年齡之影響,後期則似由於大小年之形成所致。 二、各單株/分株並非年年萌發新竹,同時,雖然所萌發單支新竹均逐年增大、增高,惟因每年仍有細小單支之萌發,以致各單株/分株內新竹大小之變異甚大,此可能亦與幼齡期之不穩定性有關。 三、在生長優劣之表現上,有些單株/分株顯示略為穩定之趨勢,雖因尚處幼齡階段,且調查期間甚短,未能遽下定論,惟若此等趨勢在往後數年的生長中仍能穩定,則顯示由這批種子苗中選拔優良品系之可能性,惟尚待日後的持續觀察方能得到正確的結論。


竹類 種子苗 造林試驗 孟宗竹


A silvicultural experiment on Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) seedlings was carried out. Seeds collected in 1985 at Fungfang village near Luku, Nantou County were used as materials in this study. There are 2 experimental sites: Sanchiaolun established in 1989, where 208 divisions separated from 31 seedlings were planted; and Tsaolan established in 1990, where 188 divisions separated from 14 seedlings with the same origins those of the first site were planted. Seedling growth was investigated during the period from 1989 to 1994 and from 1990 to 1994, respectively, at each site. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Moso bambo is classified as a ”scattering or spreading type”; however, the primary growth of seedlings germinating from seeds appeared to be a ”cluster type”. As the seedlings grew and their rhizomes spread out after 2 to 3 yrs, the primary type turned into the ”scattering type”. The materials used in this experiment were at this ”scattering stage”. Divisions initially developed rhizomes after planting in the field. These rhizomes grew very vigorously during the period from 2 to 5 yrs in the field, which caused unstable growth performance of culms. Significant growth of culms occurred after 3 yrs in the field, but it was affected by the rich/poor harvest year-a natural phenomenon in bamboo growth. 2. Each seedling/division did not always produce a new culm every year. Individual newly formed culms grew larger and higher year after year: however, growth showed great variation among different divisions. This is because some new small-sized culms were produced occasionally which decreased the main culm growth. An other reason may be the unstable growth of seedlings/divisions during the young stage. 3. A tendency of significant differences of growth performance among some seedlings/divisions was found. This tendency may be used for selection of superior strains from these seedlings/divisions in the future. Further investigation is required because the plantations are still at a young stage.


