  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Effects of Growth Stress on the Warping of Sawn Lumber from Planted China Fir





杉木 生長應力 製材 駝背翹曲 弓形翹曲


In recent years, problems associated with the effective utilization of lumber from plantation forests have been emphasized in Taiwan. It is known that growth stress causes failure during wood utilization and lowers the value of wood products. The equilibrium state of the standing tree will be destroyed by the release of growth stress during processing. As a result, logging and cutting may cause heart crack in logs, while sawing may cause warping which can lower the lumber yield. In this study, planted China fir trees were used for measuring the surface growth strain and strain in the diametral plank. The crooking and bowing of lumber after sawing were also measured. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Variations of surface growth strain over tree height are not apparent. Growth strains have a range of 100-600με, with an average of 400με. 2. Growth stress is tensile at the outer part of the tree trunk and compressive at the inner part. The maximum tensile stress can exceed 120kgf/cm^2, and the maximum compressive stress is about 37kgf/cm^2. 3. There is no obvious relationship between surface growth strain and lumber crook. 4. The crook of quarter-sawn hoards increases with a decrease of log diameter. The average crook is 2mm measured over a span of 100cm. 5. Measured values of crooking of boards after ripping were greater than calculated values.


China fir growth stress lumber crooking bowing
