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Study of an Evapotranspiration Regression Model for India Pluchea and Sea-side Clerodendron as Dominant Plants in a Mudstone Area



對於植物之生長而言,蒸發散量可作為植物水分需求之依據,並可配合相關理論推導出蒸發散簡易模式,以量化小區域內溫度、濕度等微氣候之變化。本研究之目的在於研究二種泥岩地區優勢植物,日照輻射量、飽和蒸氣壓差與蒸發散間之關係,並以此模式探討植物之生理反應、物理作用。植物蒸發散量之量測方式則以重量差值法來代表,經由物理理論推導與現代統計迴歸分析,所建立之蒸發散量(ET, g m^(-2) h^1)推估模式為日照輻射量(Rs, W/m^2)與飽和蒸氣壓差(VPD, hPa)之函數。經由統計F檢定及試驗結果顯示冬青菊(Pluchea indica)之蒸發散於上午(06:00~12:00)及下午(12:00~18:00)有顯著性的差異(上午:ET=-2.19+0.78Rs+30.62VPD;下午:ET=30.67+0.90 Rs+0.58VPD);苦藍槃(Clerodendron inerme)植物之蒸發散量在上午與下午則無顯著影響(ET=-5.68+0.067 RS+0.58VPD)。對冬青菊植物而言,下午時之蒸發散量佔平均一日總量之61.76%;苦藍槃上午蒸發散量則佔總量之30.21%。


For the growth of plants, measurement of evapotranspiration in potted plants can provide the required water indices to quantify microclimate changes in a local region. The evapotranspiration model can also be incorporated into a microclimate model to quantify the humidity ratio of inner air. The purpose of this study was to utilize solar radiation (Rs, W/m^2) and the saturated vapor pressure deficit (VPD, hPa) to obtain an evapotranspiration (ET, g m^(-2) h^(-1)) regression model. In order to obtain the best model, a physics theorem, a mathematical theorem, and statistical tools were combined to infer the evapotranspiration model. The weight measurement technique was adopted, and a measuring device was established. According to micrometeorology, solar radiation and the vapor pressure deficit are functions of evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration was studied as a function of solar radiation and the vapor pressure deficit by a physical formula proposed and regression analysis. The experiment results indicated that evapotranspiration was significant. The results show that there is a significant difference between morning (06:00~12:00) and afternoon (12:00~18:00) in Taiwan mudstone area. For India pluchea (Pluchea indica) (morning: ET=-2.19+0.78 Rs+30.62VPD; afternoon: ET=30.67+0.90 Rs+0.58VPD). There was no significant difference between morning and afternoon for Sea-side clerodendron (Clerodendron inerme) (ET=-5.68+0.067 Rs+0.58VPD). ET average 61.76% per day for India pluchea in the afternoon and reaches 30.21% for Sea-side clerodendron in the morning.
