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Thermal Paper Recycling



感熱記錄紙張於回收再生過程中易產生障礙,其再生處理困難點為抄紙時,紙匹進入乾燥部後,所得紙品,表面易產生低白度及黑色斑點現象,造成再生紙張缺陷,影響紙張品質及應用。本研究係探討感熱記錄紙於再生時產生低白度或黑斑之原因。試驗結果顯示再生處理條件在酸性及高鹼性條件下,尤以酸處理可使所得再生紙提升白度,且白度安定性亦有明顯改善。再生紙漿之醇苯抽出物含量與控制組比較,均有明顯降低(由l.57%降至0.62%),顯示再生作業時以酸性條件處理,表面塗佈之顯色劑及顏色增感劑已被完全去除,而無色隱性染料裂解產物(酞酸二丁酯dibutyl Phthalate),且其含量與控制組比較減少90%。另外,再生紙之強度性質顯示,在酸性條件處理下所得紙張之抗張強度有些微下降,但耐摺力有提升之現象,破裂強度及綜合強度則沒有明顯變化。醇苯抽出物之GC-MS分析結果顯示市售感熱記錄紙使用三酚甲烷類化合物為無色隱性染料,但經由光氧化或光劣化反應,產生裂解產物dibutyl phthalate;另外,抽出成分也鑑定出顯色劑為4,4'-(l-methyl ethylidene)-phenol (bisphenol A);顏色增感劑為1-(phenylmethoxy)-naphthalene及直鏈的hexadecanamlde等成分。


The purpose of this study was to resolve the recycling problems associated with thermal paper. When the paper web containing pulp from thermal paper enters the dryer section, low brightness or dark spots will often develop. The cause of the problem is incomplete removal of the coating materials during repulping that leads to color rendering later on. Thus, determining how to remove these substances and improve the brightness and brightness stability of the paper products has become a crucial issue for expanding the proportion of mixed office wastepaper in paper products and extending its range of application. We collected mixed office waste, particularly those containing thermal paper and investigated their treatment conditions during recycling. A gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) was used to analyze various functional additives in the thermal paper. The results suggested that when in acidic and highly alkaline recycling conditions, the residual coating materials from the wastepaper were markedly reduced compared with the control. The acidic treatment was particularly effective, and produced marked brightness and brightness stability improvement. The color-rendering compounds were absent when in acidic repulping, while dibutyl phthalate (a degradation product of the leuco dye) content was 90% less than that of the control. Thus, the problem of thermal paper recycling can be mitigated by using acidic repulping conditions. Moreover, paper from acidic treatment showed a slight decrease in tensile strength and an increase in tearing strength, while no significance changes were observed in the bursting strength or the total strength index. Among the extractives, GC-MS analyses identified 4, 4'-(1-methylethylidene)-phenol (color developer), 1-(phenylmethoxy)-naphthalene and hexadecanamide (color sensitizers), and dibutyl phthalate (a degradation product of the leuco dye).


