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Effects of Phosphoryl Triamide Treatment on the Strength and Dimensional Properties of Woodflour-Polypropylene Composites



本研究旨在探討木粉含量(WFL)及阻燃劑處理(FRT)對磷醯三胺處理木粉/聚丙烯複合材強度性質及尺寸安定性之影響。試驗結果顯示:各處理平均MOR在6.8~7.1 MPa間,MOE介於1160~1810 MPa間,未浸水(IB0)及浸水24小時之內聚力(IB24)分別在0.17~0.75和0.02~0.60 MPa範圍內,至於浸水2及24小時後之重量增加率(WA)及厚度膨脹率(TS)則分別為6.3~98.0% (WA2)和27.5~113.4% (WA24),以及4.6~50.7% (TS2)和8.4~60.0% (TS24)。變方分析結果得知WFL與FRT共同影響木粉/聚丙烯複合材之性能,除MOR僅受WFL影響、MOE不受WFL及FRT影響外,其餘各項性質均受WFL與FRT的交感效應影響,而以WFL為主要影響因子。一般而言,除MOE外木粉/聚丙烯複合材WFL在100%,處理材較未處理材性能為差,而WFL在60%時複合材性能整體提升,FRT之負面影響也趨降低。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of phosphoryl triamide treatment on the flexural properties, internal bond strength, and dimensional stability of woodflour-polypropylene composites. Factors investigated included 3 woodflour loading levels and 7 fire-retardant treatments. Results showed that fire-retardant treatments adversely affected the flexural strength, internal bond strength, and dimensional stability of composite panels at a 100% woodflour loading; however, all of the measured properties improved at higher polypropylene contents, except for the flexural stiffness which was unaffected by either factor. Woodflour loading and fire-retardant treatments collectively and interactively affected the performance of woodflour-polypropylene composites, with the woodflour content a more-important factor than the fire-retardant type.
