  • 期刊


Identifying Taiwanese Aboriginal Students with Reading Disabilities: The Discriminant Validiay of Students' Response to Pre-Referral Intervention


對原住民兒童學業表現低落的現象,一般都歸因於缺乏主流的文化經驗或社經地位低下,但有些兒童他們的困難可能來自於個人生理因素,例如學習障礙,在特教的鑑定上,文化造成的低成就或是學障造成的低成就不易區分。本研究對台東市47位國語文低成就的原住民學童進行11週的補救教學,再根據兒童對補救教學的反應,區分出「「」教學反應較差」及「教學反應較佳」兩群,從理論上推估,前者極有可能為學習障礙。本研究旨在檢驗此種轉介前介入的鑑別診斷的效度。 本研究從兩方面來檢驗鑑別診斷的效度,先是以心評專家的學障研判結果為效標,再比較兩群兒童在重要變項上的差異,這些重要變項都是學障相關理論中最關鍵的概念。主要發現為(一)以專業心評教師的「學障研判」為效標時,結果顯示,被診斷為學障者,有很高的比率是對教學反應較差的,偽陰性的比率很低。(二)以學障定義中的「內在差異差距」為效標時,結果顯示,教學反應分類有不錯的診斷敏感度,且犯偽陰性的比率低,但教學反應分類診斷的特定性較低,且犯偽陽性的比率較高。(三)以學障定義中的「認知缺陷」為效標時,「教學反應較差」群體,其「聲韻覺識」和「唸名速度」比「教學反應較佳」者差,但兩組的工作記憶差異不明顯;研究結果大致支持轉介前介入具有區分「一般低成就」和「學障」的區辨效度。


Poor academic performance, especially by Taiwanese aboriginal students, is often attributed to lack of mainstream culture experience or poor socioeconomic status. However, some students perform poorly due to reading disabilities, which are difficult to detect. The study aimed to examine whether students' response to instruction (RTI) will identify the students with reading disabilities from the low-achieving aboriginal students. Forty-seven 2-and 3-grade aboriginal students who perform poorly from Taitung City participated in the study. They received an 11-week pre-referral reading intervention program in the 2nd semester of the academic year of 2003. In order to evaluate learning progress and to conduct education diagnosis, pre-tests and post-tests were administered. Measures of reading and cognitive variables were collected. The important findings of this research are following: 1. When students were diagnosed as LD by special education diagnosticians, the possibility that they were categorized as low RTI group was very high. Comparatively, the percentage of false-negative diagnosis was low. 2. Using 'inter-competence discrepancy' as criteria, the results have shown that the RTI has good diagnostic sensitivity. Furthermore, the percentage of false negative is comparatively low, the diagnostic specificity of the index of teaching response is low, and the percentage of false positive is comparatively higher. 3. Using cognitive deficits as criteria, the low RTI group that responded poorly to instruction, performed poorer than their counterparts in high RTI group on measures of phonological awareness and naming speed. However, the working memory of both groups did not make a significant difference. The research findings support the discriminant validity of pre-referral intervention in differentiating low achieving and high-risk learning disabled groups of aboriginal students.


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翁淑華(2010)。應用數位教材於國小低年級低成就學童注音符號補救教學之行動 研究〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2010.01163
