  • 期刊


A Study of Defiant and Hearing-Impaired Children's Communication and Social Interaction Skills


聽障兒童的行為問題是常被轉介的問題之一,然而溝通互動困難經常干擾其行為問題,使得聽障兒童的行為診斷更為困難。基於此,本研究利用比較聽障非違抗、聽障違抗與一般違抗兒童,在溝通能力與互動行為之差異,瞭解聽障兒童之聽力與溝通互動能力的關係。研究樣本分為學前與國小兩階段,包括聽障非ODD組為11人(學前5人、國小6人)、聽障ODD組為15人(學前7人、國小8人);一般ODD組為10人(學前與國小各5人)。三組兒童透過研究者自編之「情境式溝通互動評量」,以區分聽障違抗兒童之溝通互動能力。 本研究發現聽障兒童的語言溝通能力隨年齡的改變而不同,學前聽障兒童語言溝通能力明顯低於同齡一般兒童,但國小聽障兒童與同齡一般兒童的差異則不明顯。另由於聽力關係,學前聽障兒童明顯較常使用非語言溝通方式,特別是學前聽障違抗兒童,相對其負向行為也較多。在整體正向與中性行為,不論年齡或聽力狀況,違抗兒童與非違抗兒童的差異均不明顯,但違抗兒童確有較多不適當的互動行為,如不服從、干擾或不合作等。根據上述結果,提供聽障兒童違抗行為診斷之參考。


Hearing-impaired children's defiant and sometimes delinquent behavior is an often-discussed topic. The difficulties these children experience in communication and social interaction strongly influences their social behavior, and also increases the difficulty of diagnosing this behavior. This study focuses on understanding the connection between hearing-impaired children's hearing problem and their ability to communicate and socially interact. It analyzes the differences among hearing-impaired ODD children, hearing-impaired non-ODD children, and non-hearing impaired ODD children with regard to communication and social interaction skills. Our subjects, pre-school and secondary school children, were placed in three groups: the first was composed of 11 hearing-impaired non-ODD children (5 preschool children and 6 from secondary schools), the second of 15 hearing-impaired ODD children (7 preschool children and 8 from secondary schools), and the third of 10 non-hearing impaired ODD children (5 preschool children and 5 from secondary schools). To better understand the hearing-impaired ODD children's interpersonal skills, that is, their ability in communication and social interaction, the researcher designed a system for assessing situational communication and interaction and used it to evaluate these subjects. It was found that: (1) hearing-impaired children's ability in language communication varies with their age; (2) preschool hearing-impaired children's ability in language communication is evidently inferior to that of normal children of the same age, but there is apparently no such difference between hearing-impaired and normal secondary school children; (3) preschool hearing-impaired children are apparently more accustomed to using non-language communication, and this is especially true of preschool hearing-impaired ODD children, who also manifest more negative behavior; (4) in terms of positive and neutral behavior and regardless of age and hearing ability, there is no apparent difference between ODD children and non-ODD children, although ODD children do engage in less appropriate interactions, showing greater disobedience, a less cooperative attitude, and more interference with others. These conclusions can, we feel, serve as reference points for diagnosis, especially if the patient is a hearing- impaired ODD child.


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