  • 期刊


Using a Speech Audiometry System to Improve the Ability of Speech Discrimination and Pronunciation in Children with Hearing Impairment


聽障者對聲音的感知異於常人,而影響其語音聽辨能力,在電腦上以數位式的語音處理技術來輔助語音聽辨能力的檢測,以及改善語音感知,將有助於改進聽障者的語言學習。本研究之目的在應用清華大學電機系所研發的語音聽力檢測系統SpchAUD,在啟聰學校進行聽障兒童的語音聽辨與發音教學實驗,並檢核其使用成效。 本研究目有三:(1)以系統上的語音聽辨能力檢測功能,檢核聽障兒童音標學習的成效;(2)以濾波器組設定功能,以個案方式進行濾波測試,以了解在不同頻帶的設定下,其聽音仿說能力是否提升;(3)利用語音接受閾檢測功能,並加入口語教學的課程,以探討聽障兒童的語音清晰度及聽辨能力的改變情形。 本研究以系統記錄並統計兒童聽音指認的正確次數、在聽音仿說部份則以質性之聽知覺評量,及利用PRAAT軟體進行語音聲學分析,以評定本系統運用在學校發音教學上之成效。研究結果顯示,該檢測功能可有效做為學校教師教學與檢核教學成效之工具。而系統上濾波器組設定功能,亦有助於提昇研究個案部份語音之聽音仿說表現;學生在語音接受閾檢測並配合濾波器組口語教學課程前後測有進步的表現。


People with hearing impairment (HI) are different from normal-hearing persons with regard to speech perception. Computer-based digital processing of speech signals can now be used to improve speech perception and to promote the speech-language learning of people with HI. This study used the Speech Audiometry system (SpchAUD) developed by the Department of Electrical Engineering of National Tsing Hua University to examine the training effects on improving the abilities of speech discrimination and pronunciation in children with HI. The project comprises three parts: (1) a SpchAUD -based test of speech discrimination ability was used to assess the learning of Mandarin phonetic symbols; (2) a SpchAUD-based filter-bank design was used to change the spectral properties of generated speech signal and to assess the improvement of speech perception and repetition ability; (3) a SpchAUD-based speech reception threshold test and teaching materials of spoken language were designed to assess the changes of pronunciation accuracy and speech discrimination in children with HI. The data generated by SpchAUD, including the speech discrimination tests and waveforms showing repeated pronunciations, together with acoustic analysis (PRAAT), were used to evaluate the HI children's speech related abilities. The results showed that the pronunciation accuracy of children with HI was improved. This suggests that SpchAUD can be effectively used for designing teaching materials as well as for examining the progress of teaching programs. The analysis of a HI case has also shown that a filter-band design, which makes discrete shifts on the sound spectrum, will be helpful in improving speech discrimination ability.


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