  • 期刊


The Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of the FamilyLink Mental Health Educational Program in Taiwan


本前驅性研究報告係評估台灣家連家精神健康教育課程(FamilyLink Mental Health Program)對參與團體成員之成效,此一系列課程以封閉結構式小團體進行,每週一課每課兩小時共計八課。該課程精神源自美國家對家(Family-to-Family)教育方案,後經香港修編,研究者再修正為台灣版本,為罹患嚴重精神疾病家屬提供教育課程。參與本研究共有45位家屬完成課程前測、後測及課程結束後之半年追蹤(總計約9個月)之問卷調查。主要發現完成課程者,其在充權量表上在前後測上有統計上顯著差異,此充權呈現在家庭、社區及服務輸送系統之次量表上;次外,參與者對其患病親人之憂慮與不悅也有顯著下降;更重要的是此現象也持續反映在課程完成半年後之追蹤上。上述研究結果與美國國家精神疾病聯盟(NAMI)所發展的家對家(Family-to-Family)教育方案之最近研究結果大致相同。此兩方案主題的相同與相異處及日後在台灣將如何推展家連家方案均一併在此研究中有進一步之討論。


This pilot study evaluated the effectiveness of the FamilyLink Mental Health Educational program, a structured 8-week interactive program, which has been first designed and drafted in Hong Kong and later adapted by the first author for the families with seriously mentally ill (SMI) members respectively in Taiwan. A total of 45 family members who participated in the program (nine months in total) were evaluated at baseline, after completing the program, and six months after program completion. After completing the program, the participant demonstrated significantly greater family, community, and service system empowerment and reduced displeasure and worry about their ill family members. These benefits were sustained after six months. These findings are consistent with that of the effectiveness of the Family-to- Family Education program developed in the States. The differences and similarities of the two programs will be shown and future plans to promote the FamilyLink program in the community will also be discussed.


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