  • 期刊


Discussion of the Influence of Doctors Work Attitudes in Global Budget, Salary Justice and Pay Satisfaction


近年來,由於政府對醫療分配資源的改變,影響醫師薪資甚鉅,再加上醫療院所視醫師薪資保密的措施以及個人醫師費的實施,使得醫師常對其薪資來源感到不確定。因此,本研究的主要目的在於從薪資公平探討影響醫師對薪資滿意的相關因素;並藉由總額預算制的實施及薪資公平、薪資滿足構面,探討其對醫師工作態度的影響。 主要透過問卷調查方式,針對中部八家醫院之主治醫師進行研究。總計發出319份問卷,回收108份問卷,回收率為33.9%。研究結果如下:1.性別、月薪及是否任主管職對醫師薪資滿足及工作態度均不會造成影響。2.年齡因素與薪資分配公平呈現負相關,故愈需醫院給予一定的薪資保障。3.薪資在制訂時愈公開、與員工能充份溝通,對薪資滿足有強化效果。4.薪資產生的來源愈符合醫師的認知,且總體分配公平,則醫師對於工作可產生良性互動關係。5.醫師愈清楚總額預算之點值分配辦法,則對工作態度愈產生負面影響。6.西醫總額實施尚短,故尚未影響醫師對薪資公平的認知及薪資滿足感。7.醫師對薪資愈感到滿足,則工作投入愈高,組織承諾度愈佳。


In recent years, the redistribution of medical resources directed by the government in general renders physicians uncertain and anxious about the stability and fairness of their income. The worries are further aggravated by policies such as ”secret payment” or ”personalized payment” that are currently conducting by the hospitals. Since issue like these may affect physicians’ attitudes toward their patients, factors affecting physician's satisfaction of their income based on the stand point of ”salary justice” are thus important and are the focus of the present research. Meanwhile, the influences of ”total budget system” on ”salary justice” and ”salary satisfaction” are also studied. In addition, the overall consequences of physicians work attitude are evaluated and analyzed in the present study. The research was conducted by distributing 319 questionnaires to the physicians of eight hospitals in central Taiwan. Among the distributed questionnaires, 108 of them were retrieved. The retrieval rate is thus 33.9%. The results are as follows: 1. Gender, salary and position have no influence on salary satisfaction and working attitude. 2. A negative correlation is observed between age and salary justice. This implies that the elders demand higher base salary. 3. The more open in salary information and communications, the better in salary satisfaction. 4. The structure of income should be consistent with one's recognition on the source of his or her salary. Together with a fair distribution in overall benefits would help in motivating positive work attitude. 5. More understanding in the method of benefit distribution as proposed in the total budget system could lead to more negative attitude at work. 6. The total budget system is still in the embryonic stage. No effects on salary justice and salary satisfaction have been observed yet. 7. A physician would have stronger commitment and team involvement on the job when he/she is satisfied with his/her income.


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