  • 期刊


Implementing Duty and Specific Contribution of European Ombudsman


本文研究歐洲監察使的起源、職權行使方式與具體貢獻。歐洲監察使的職權設計,採取軟法的方式,可受理歐盟人民對歐盟 行政機構與單位之不當行政的陳情案,處理方法有友善解決方案、批判性評論、草擬建議和特別報告。本文研究從1995年第一任歐洲監察使起到2005年間,其主要的貢獻。其主要貢獻領域為一、澄清不當行政概念,二、推動良好行政行為規範,三、促進資訊公開方面的努力外,四、處理政府契約的遲延給付問題、契約糾紛問題及五、促進具體人權。根據本文研究發現,雖然歐洲監察使的處置方式並無拘束力,僅有建議性質,但在其努力下,歐盟各行政機構都盡量配合遵守其建議。此外,其除了個案,也會利用向歐洲議會提出的特別報告,推動制定或修改法規。其協助推動制定了歐洲良好行政行為規範,並推動歐盟各機構制定或修改其資訊公開的規定。從此面向來看,歐盟監察使可以用較柔性的方法,促成法規的修正,而達到保障人權的功能。


In this paper, we explore the origin of the European Ombudsman, the way it implemented duty, and its specific contributions. The design of European Ombudsman, takes the soft law approach. The EU people can complain about maladministration of European institutions and body to European Ombudsman, and the ways Ombudsman deal with these complaints includes friendly solution, critical comments, draft recommendations and special reports. In this paper, we study what specific contributions European Ombudsman accomplish from first European Ombudsman since 1995 to 2005. The main contribution includes five issues: 1. clarify the concept of maladministration, 2. to promote the Code of good administrative behavior, 3. efforts to promote information open, 4. dealing with government contracts delay payment problems, contract disputes and 5. promote specific human rights.According to this study, we found that although the manner of disposal of the European Ombudsman are non-binding and only advisory in nature, but in its efforts, the EU executive body often comply with its recommendations as possible as they can. Apart from dealing with the cases complaint proposed, European Ombudsman use special reports for European Parliament, to facilitate the adopt or modify some regulations. It help promoting to adopt the Code of Good Administrative Behavior, and push the EU institutions to develop or modify their information open rules. In this aspect, EU Ombudsman can use more flexible approach to make laws and regulations adopted or amended, to achieve the functions of protecting human rights.


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