  • 期刊


Physical Condition and Psychological Status in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease



木研究爲一描述性相關性研究,旨在探討慢性阻塞性肺疾病思者的肺功能、疾病症狀、運動耐受力、氧合狀況、身體功能狀態及心理感受之狀況。研究對象爲北部某醫學中心之60位門診慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者。研究結果發現患者的氣道阻塞程度爲中度(FEV1:0.94L/min, FEV1/PVE%; 47.11%),平時呼吸困難程度是輕度,運動後爲中度以上,咳嗽頻率爲早上咳嗽與一天中其他時候偶爾也會咳嗽,每天痰量平均約爲11-30CC:六分鐘走路距離爲311.35公尺,靜態血氧飽合度爲95.72%,走路後爲93.07%,整體身體功能狀態尚可;有略傾於負向之心理感受。患者的肺功能與靜態血氧飽和度、走路後血氧飽和度、走路六分鐘距離、身體功能狀態、心理感受呈正相關,與平時呼吸困難及運動呼吸困難呈負相關;運動後呼吸困難程度與走路六分鐘距離、身體功能狀況呈負相關。個人特性方面小於65歲者其肺功能測驗、走路六分鐘距離、走路後血氧飽和度以及身體功能狀態量表得分皆優於65歲以上者;治療期間小於3年者較3年以上者之運動呼吸困難程度輕微、走路六分鏡、鏡距離較長與心理感受、身體功能狀態量表得分較高。 本研究有助護理人員了解慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者的疾病症狀、運動耐受力、氣合狀況、身體功能狀態及心理感受之狀況及其相關性,並促使護理人員設計符合患需求之護理指導,以協助病患適應疾病、提昇生活品質及照護品質。


This study is a research of descriptive relativity, focusing of the relationship among the various factors concerning the pulmonary function, severity of symptoms, exercise tolerance, oxygenation status, physical condition and psychological status in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseose (COPD) patients. Totally, to COPD patients were invertigated, from outpatient deportment of one medical center in Northern Taiwan. The results showed the severity of respiratory tract obstruction in these patients was about medium in range (FED1:0.94 L/minutes), severity of dyspnea was slight, post-exercise dyspnea was medium, walking distance in 6 minutes was 311.5 meters, resting arterial oxygen saturation was 95.72%, down to 93.07% ofter exercise. The physical condition was fair; psychological status was in slightly negative trend. The pulmonary function of these patients was positively correlated with resting oxygen saturation, post-evercise oxygen saturation, walking distance in 6 minutes, physical condition und psychological status; negatively correlated with severity of dyspnea in resting status and after exercise. The severity of post-evercise dyspnea was negatively correlated with walking distance in 6 minutes and physical condition. Analyzing the individual characteristics, we found that far those less than 65 years old who were better thon over 65 years old in pulmonary function, waling distance in 6 minutes, post-exercise oxygen saturation and physical condition. Those who received trealment less than 3 years were better than over 3 years in post-evercise dyspnea severity、 walking distance, psychological condition and physical condition. The benefit of this study is to help tire nursing stuff to know the relationship among symplon severity, exercise toleronce, oxygenation status, physical condition and psychological status in COPD patients. Based on these results, we cart design a suitable nursing instructions for help patients to occommodate to the disease, to increase life quality and to enhance the nursing quality.


