  • 期刊


The Accuracy of Using Metered Dose Inhaler Technique on the Chest Ward's Nurses and Patients



本研究目的主要在確立正確使用定量噴霧劑技術之方法,探討胸腔科護士和住院病患,使用定量噴霧劑技術正確性之差異。 研究採描述性比較陸研究法,以描述性統計分析法、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及卡方檢定進分析。結果顯示:(1)胸腔科護士定量噴霧劑的平均正確率爲70.3%,病患爲48.2%。(2)護士使用定量噴霧劑最常見的問題步驟爲「閉氣5-10秒鐘」、「再慢慢吐氣呼吸」及「至少等一分鐘再吸入第二口」;在病患方面則爲「至少等一分鐘後再吸入第二口」、「吐氣到底」及「閉氣5-10秒鐘」。(3)護士與病患使用定量噴雾劑有明顯差異的分別是「充分振搖」、「吐氣到底」、「手口配合」及「至少等一分鐘再吸人第二口」等步驟。(4)胸腔科護士使用定量噴霧劑的正確性主要受專科病房年資的显著影響,(5)胸腔科病想使用定量噴霧劑正確性則主要受教育程度的顯著影響。


定量噴霧劑 護士 病患 技術 影響因素


The purpose of this study was to establish the metered dose inhaler (MDI) end to explore the differences of occuracy of MDI utilized by nurses and patients of chest word. Data analyses of this descriptive-comparative research involved descriptive statistical methods, 1-test, One-Way ANOVA end Chi-Squire test. The major findings of this study were as follow; (1) Assessement of MDI technique revealed that the performance score of nurses is 70.3% and 48.2% to patients. (2) The mast cowman errors aroused by nurse were 「hold the breath far 5-10 seconds」、 「breathe out」, and 「wait 1 minute between puffs」. Those errors made by patient were 「wait 1 minute between puffs」, 「breathe out fully」, and 「hold the breath for 5-10 seconds」. (3) The steps of MDI performed by nurses end patients which made significant difference ware 「shaking fully」, 「breathe out fatty」, 「bend-lung coordination」 and 「wait 1 minute between puffs」. (4) The MDI score of nurses was significant correlated wish expertise expirience. (5) The MDI scare of patients was significant correlated with education degree.

