  • 期刊


The Intellectual Development and Home Environment of the PCBs Children



本研究的目的在探討多氯聯苯兒的智能發展及家庭環境因素所扮演的角色,研究方法是採用個案對照研究法,利用登記有案的多氯聯苯兒,並找出在生物、社會環境盡量相配的對照組。依年齡不同分別採用比西和魏氏智力金表測量智商、以Breadley和Caldwell等人所編訂的家庭環境評量表,經中文化的修訂過程,以測量家庭環境。 本研究的樣本共有116對。研究结果及結論如下: 1.多氯聯苯兒的智商,多數比對照組兒低。2.多氯聯苯兒的家庭環境得分,比對照組兒低。3.以共變異數分析(ANCOVA),家庭環境得分的影饗經排除後,多氯聯苯兒的智商與對照組兒沒有差別,以複迴歸分析顯示家庭環境對智商的解釋力大於組別。4.兩組的智商比臺灣地區的常模平均分數低。 盡管本研究的結果顯示多氯聯苯兒的智商和家庭環境得分比較低,且影響其智能的主要因素是家庭環境,但因本研究仍然有某些限制,因此對於影響多氯聯苯兒智能發展的原因,孰因孰果實在還需要前瞻性的研究來闈釋。但是經由本研究的結果所提供的資料,應可以做爲公共衛生人員立即採取干預行動的依據。


In this study, a cross-sectional survey with ease control by using HOME Inventory (the Inventory of Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment), Stand ford Binet Intelligent test, and WISC-R test (Wechsler Intelligent Scale for Children, Revised Version) to detect the cognitive development of PCBs (Polychlorinoted Biphenyl) children, and the effects of home environmental factors on cognitive development were curried oat. The relationship between home environmental factors and intelligent quotient were also studied. The reserch samples consisted of 116 pairs (232 children), and 7 factors is biology end social environmental factors, sods at with or without poisoning by PCBs, age, sex, SES nod so an were matched. to this research the main points are summerized as follows: 1. In many sub-scales of IQ tests (SB and WISC-R), the IQ scores of PCBs group were below those of the control group. and the differences reached statistical significant levels. 2. The maean valuse of HOME scare of the PCBs grasp were below of the control group in many sub-scale, and the values to many sub-scale reached statistical significant levels. 3. Using analysis of covariance and stepwise regression analysis, It was discovered that the IQ values of PCBs Group were not different from those of the control group, and it seems evident that the home environmental factors were the major canoes of lower IQ In PCBs children. 4. The IQ vetoes of the PCBs and the control children groups were lower thus the normal values in the Taiwan urea. Although the research results revealed that bath of the IQ end HOME scores in PCBs group were all below those in the control group, nod that the major factors affect the cognitive developments seems to be tome environment, There ate still some limitotions in the study. Therefore, which is the coase or the result eon net be judged from this study. It stilt needs some further efforts provides a storng argument far intervention by public health prafessionols to help the low HOME scare families.
