  • 期刊


Establishing an Instrument of Organ Donation for the General Public



鑑於國內捐贈器官來源嚴重不足,因此特別設計一份適用於國人的器官捐贈量表,並建立其信效度,作爲推動器宮捐贈之參考。以北部某醫學中心牙科門診成年病患或家屬爲樣本,採不記名及自填方式,沒有給予研究對象任何壓力、又填寫內容與本人利害沒有衡突,相信研究者應具實填答。 問卷題目擬定後邀不同領域專家就適合性評分及提供意見,並經30位樣本作前驅研究修正問卷內容。正式收案得有效樣本92位,平均年齡爲27.2歲,男女各半,3/4有大學或以上學歷。器官捐贈意願爲(1)不願意-9.8%,(2)曾想過但未決定-60.9%,(3)曾考慮且與家人討論-6.5%,(4)願意世沒有簽器官捐贈卡-16.5%,(5)願意且已簽器宮捐贈卡-6.5%。器官捐贈態度偏向贊成,器官捐贈行爲認知得分不高,10題中平均答對5.65題。 建構效度採用因索分析、在器官捐贈態度量表萃取得三個因素,因素-命名爲「阻礙器官捐贈的原因」,因素二命名爲「認同器官損贈價值」,因素三命名爲「不認同器官捐贈價值」、分別解釋全部題目變異之43.5,94,8.1%。器官損贈行爲認知的量表卻沒有很好的建構效度。效標效度則以器官捐贈意願爲效標,並以Spearman相關係數爲同時效度,在器官捐贈態度量表上,不論還原來之正反向題目或經因素分析所得之三個因素,與器官捐贈意願之相關係數均在-0.45至-0.63間,並達顯著統計意義,顯示器官損贈態度量表具效標效度。器官捐贈行爲認知的量表與器官捐贈意願之相關係數爲0.87(p=.408),不具效標效度。 信度採內在一致性。在器官捐贈態度量表上,不論是原來正反向題目或經因緊分析所得之三個因素,Cronbach's α均在0.7以上器官捐贈行爲認知之Cronbach's α則只有0.371。


器官捐贈 效度 信度


Due to a severe lack of donated organs domestically, a quantitative instrument of organ donation for the general public was designed, and its reliability and validity was established Study subjects were recruited from the out-patient clinic of the dental department: at a medical center. Anonymity and self-filled was used. Expert validity and .a pilot study with 30 subjects was conducted. A total of 92 study subjects were recruited with a mean age of 27.2, equal gender, three quarters of college education. The distribution of willingness of organ donation was (1) 9.8% unwilling, (2) 60.9% had thought but not decided, (3) 6.5% had considered and discussed with his/her family, (4) 16.5% willing but had not signed an organ donation card, (5) 6.5% willing and signed an organ donation card. The study sample had a positive attitude of organ donation hut lower scores on knowledge of organ donation behavior. Three factors were obtained using factor analysis for the attitude section. ”Reason of obstructing organ donation”, ”assure benefits of organ donation”, and ”uncertain benefits of organ donation” were named and explained 43.5%, 9.4%, 8.1%, respectively, of the variation of the total items. The knowledge section did not have a good construct validity. Willingness of organ donation was used as a criteria for concurrent validity. Spearman's correlation coefficient for attitude section were between -0.45 and -0.63 (p<.0001) but .087 (p<.408) for the knowledge section. Cronbach's α was above 0.7 for the attitude section but only .371 for the knowledge section.


organ donation validity reliability


