  • 期刊


The Impact of Written Material and Different Educators on Self-Care Knowledge at Home for Patients with Hysterectomy



子宮頸癌是威脅婦女健康最主要的惡性腫瘤。外科手術移除主要病兆後,因膀胱功能可能受損而需留置尿管達三星期(O' Laughlin, 1986;Haw, 1997)。尿路感染之預防即成爲此類病患居家自我照顧之主要重點。文獻中各類衛教方式之成效不一,且未探討提供書面資料與不同衛教者之差異。因此,本類實驗法以立意取樣,按收案順序將樣本分配至實驗組(N=11)與對照組(N=9),籍以驗證有無準備書面之衛教單張及不同職位衛教人員對接受子宮根除術患者執行留置尿管居家自我照護衛教之成效。結果發現,就立即效果來看,接受護理長衛教加上街教單張之實驗組的認知程度顯著高於僅接受病房護理人員衛教之對照組。但對照組經過護理長出院前的澄清解釋後,其兩過後重測認知程度和實驗組相仿。此可提醒護理人員重視護理指導的推動。


Cervical cancer is one of the major malignancies for women in Taiwan area. After receiving hysterectomy, patients will be inserted Foley because of the urinary malfunction for three weeks (O' Laughlin, 1986; Haw, 1997). To learn how to prevent urinary tract infection is needed for patients during hospitalization. Inconsistent results related to different methods of health teaching had been found in literature. However, no study had identified the impact of different written material and educator. Therefore, quasi-experimental study was conducted to validate the impacts of written material and different nurse educators on the effects of health teaching. Convenient samples were distribute into experimental group (N=11) and control group (N=9) by sequence. The results found that the experimental group reported higher level of knowledge related to urinary tract self-care than the control group. However, after clarification by head nurse,these samples reported similar levels of knowledge two works later. Therefore, nurse needs to emphasize in providing nursing instructions for hospitalized patients.


