  • 期刊


What Doctors and Nurses Need to Know about Internet Addiction Disorder


網際網路(Internet)带給我們资訊流通及資料撷取容易、行銷及交易方式改變、與工作方式改變等等正面影響;然而若沉溺上網對個人身心及社會有何负面影響呢?美國學者Young已补1996年封「沉溺上網症」(Internet Addiction Disorder, IAD)著手研究,然觀乎國内鲜有此方面論述。在台灣目前上網人口已突破伍百萬人口,佔總人口数约22%,實對此症须加留意,故爲文論述:「沉溺上網症」之定羲及行爲模式、評量方式及其症狀、常见負面影響以及治療與護理方法,期更多專家学者投入研究,以收抛磚引玉之效。


Although the internet has many positive effects, such as information exchange, easy circulation and retrieval of information, and variation in marketing, trading, and working style, little is known about the negative effects of internet addition disorder (TAD) related to personal, physical, psychological, and social responses. Kimberly S. Young, an American scholar, has studied IAD since 1996; however, few studies have been conducted in Taiwan. At present, over 5 million people, or about 22% of the population in Taiwan, have access to the internet. Therefore, it is important to understand the IAD behavioral model, the method for evaluating IAD, the symptoms of TAD, its negative influences, and the associated nursing interventions and care modalities. More experts and scholars are needed to conduct research in this field.
