  • 期刊


Exercise-An Evidence Based Therapy for Physiological and Psychological Health




運動 健康


Life in the 21 century is conducted at an enormously fast and sustained pace. As a result, many do not have time for regular exercises. The benefits obtained through exercise-both physiological and psychological-cannot be overemphasized、indeed, regular physical activity improves the cardiovascular system, respiratory capacity, muscle-skeletal system, immune function, and psychological well being. In recent years, healthcare professionals in the United States, alarmed at the growing number of people living sedentary lifestyles, began excise promotion campaigns, hoping to encourage Americans to live healthier and more active lives. Likewise, Taiwanese people have never taken exercise seriously, nor do they enjoy it. It was not until the recent severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak that the Taiwanese government was alerted to the importance of exercise, and it is now encouraging people to exercise 30 minutes per day. 3 days per week, at bean rates of more than 130 bpm to boost general physical health and immune function. In this article, we conducted a systematic review of evidenced-based studies, and provide recommendations for clinical practice, and government health agencies.


exercise health
