  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a School-Age Child with Myasthenia Gravis by Applying Roy's Adaptation Model in PICU




This article reported the nursing experience of applying Roy's adaptation model (RAM) to assist a school-age child with myasthenia gravis in PICU. According to the conceptual framework of RAM, data were collected through participant observation, interviews, and physical assessment. The main nursing problems were: 1. Ineffective breathing pattern, which was associated with adhesive sputum, myasthenia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection; 2. Activity intolerance, which was associated with myasthenia gravis and long-term bed-rest resulting in decreasing activity; 3. Separation anxiety, relating to hospitalization in PICU and separation with parents; and 4. Impaired verbal communication, resulting from myasthenia, slurring speech, and tracheotomy. Nursing intervention included airway patency intensive care, liberal visit schedule, therapeutic play, and arrangement of activity pattern according to tolerance, and use of communication-assisted tools. These interventions could assist the case to maintain airway patency in PICU, lessen separation anxiety, promote self-care ability, and establish proper communication model and trust relationship. As RAM stated, each single person is an adaptation system. The case faced multiple changes at once. Pediatric nurses are encouraged to listen and realize patient's real feeling and put themselves in patient's position to assess and resolve problems. With optimal adaptation and minimized physical and psychological trauma, the quality of life of the family and the children can be effectively promoted.
