  • 期刊


A Survey of Premenstrual Syndrome and Its Related Factors of the Adolescents


本研究目的爲瞭解台灣北部地區經前症候群在青少女中的盛行率、症狀及嚴重度,並探討影響經前症候群之相關因素。以台灣北部兩所專科學校一至三年級的學生爲研究對象,以分層隨機取樣的方式抽取30個班級,共1,045份有效問卷。問卷包括基本資料問卷及經前評估量表(Premenstrual Assessment Form, PAF),使用的統計方法包括描述性統計、獨立樣本的t檢定及皮爾森積差相關等方法,結果顯示研究對象平均年齡爲17.27(SD=5.32)歲,經前症候群盛行率爲39.54%。所有的參與者都至少有一項症狀,88%的參與者至少一個症狀是中度,88%的參與者至少有一個症狀是強烈,而有84%的參與者至少有一個症狀是極度強烈的。最常見的改變以「社交退縮」爲最高,經前症候群的嚴重度與月經週期規則呈負相關(r=-.257, p=.012(上標 *)),而與經痛及抽煙呈正相關(r=.250, p=.0l5(上標 *), r=.274, p=.008(上標 **)),本研究結果有助於學校教師及臨床護理人員提供青少女合宜的經前症候群的健康指導,以提高青少女的生活品質。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence, symptom, and severity of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) among adolescents in Northern Taiwan. One thousand and forty five students in 30 classes from junior schools at northern Taiwan were selected by a stratified sampling method. Data were collected by structural questionnaire, including personal demographic questionnaire and Premenstrual Assessment Form (PAF). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The results showed that the average age of the participants was 17.27. Prevalence of PMS was 39.54%. Subjects had at least one PMS symptom of minimal severity. Many reported symptoms that they considered moderated (88%), severe (88%), or extreme (84%). The most common symptom was social withdrawal. The severity of the syndrome was negatively associated with the normality of menstrual cycle, (r=-.257, p=.012(superscript *)), and positively associated with dysmenorrhea and smoking status (r=.250, p=.015(superscript *); r=.274, p=.008(superscript **)). Appropriate nursing strategy and instruction for caring adolescents with premenstrual syndrome should be developed.


