  • 期刊


Exploring Relationships among the Dysmenorrhea Experience and Hope in Women with Secondary Dysmenorrhea


經痛是影響婦女最常見的健康問題之一,而疼痛會影響到希望的狀態,爲更深入瞭解有經痛婦女的疼痛經驗及希望的關係,故本研究旨在探討續發性經痛婦女的經痛經驗與希望之相關性,採取橫斷式的研究設計,以立意取樣方式在北部某醫學中心婦產科病房接受婦科手術之經痛婦女爲對象,共得80位個案,採用簡明麥基爾疼痛量表及赫氏希望指標來收集資料,並以描述性統計及皮爾森積差相關分析資料。研究結果發現:一、續發性經痛婦女在整體疼痛強度是7.2分,每次月經週期中最痛時數是14.5小時、經痛天數3.7天、經痛年數13.3年、疼痛部位以一個部位居多52.5%,疼痛性質以絞痛/痙孿性的痛爲主,婦女對於疼痛的感受則以難受爲主。二、經痛婦女希望狀態是中等程度(M=35.3, SD=5.3)。三、整體疼痛強度與希望呈顯著負相關(r=-.27, p=.05)。本研究結果實際證明了經痛婦女的疼痛問題確實影響婦女的希望感,健康照護人員應積極協助經痛婦女疼痛問題之處理,以提昇婦女的健康與整體的希望。


續發性經痛 經痛 希望


Dysmenorrhea is one of the most common health problems influencing women. In addition, pain may affect hope. The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between dysmenorrhea experience and hope in women with secondary dysmenorrhea. This cross-sectional study selected 80 cases with experiences of secondary dysmenorrhea receiving gyenecologic surgery at a medical center in northern Taiwan. McGill Pain Questionnaire Short Form and Herth Hope Index were adopted. Descriptive statistics and Pearson’s Correlation were used. The results revealed that (1) The total pain intensity in women with secondary dysmenorrhea was 7.2; the duration of extreme pain within each menstrual cycle was 14.5 hours, the duration of dysmenorrhea was 3.7 days each cycle, and the duration of dysmenorrhea was 13.3 years on average. About 52.5% of the subject reported one pain site. The character of pain was mainly cramping. Most women reported that this kind of pain was unbearable. (2) The level of hope in these women was moderate (Mean=35.3, SD=5.3), (3) The total pain intensity negatively correlated to the level of hope (r=-.27, p=.05). The results of this study supported that the painful problem in women with secondary dysmenorrhea indeed influenced their hope. Health care providers should therefore pay more attention to the pain issue of these women to improve the quality of life during menstrual cycles.


secondary dysmenorrheal dysmenorrhea hope


