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Liberalism, Ethnic Identity and Taiwanese Nationalism


As the authoritarian regime in Taiwan was transformed into a more democratic system , conflict over national identities has emerged as the most important social cleavage in party competition. Students of nationalism have pointed out that ethnicity lies at the core of modern nationalist movements and nationalist ideology. Nationalism is largely based on collective identity. It commands, in many cases, strong commitment from the members to the welfare of the group. The ideology of nationalism is often assumed as a doctrine opposing to the universalist-individualist principle of liberalism. Recently, however, some students have argued that the doctrines of nationalism and liberalism not only are compatible but may also imply each other. But so far the argument is limited to the theoretical speculation. This study, using a national survey data collected in 1992, shows that Taiwanese national identity is empirically correlated with both Taiwanese ethnic identity and liberal secessionism. Each factor independently wields significant influence on the formation of Taiwanese national identity. We found among Taiwanese nationalists a tolerance for secession within its own group. The findings suggest that both ethnic identity and democratic liberalism contribute to the formation of Taiwanese nationalism.


曾露瑤(2014)。高中教科書國家認同的內容分析 ─ 臺灣民主化後與香港政權轉移後的比較〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.03055
