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Hesitating between Private Interests and Collective Interests: An Analysis of the Public's Dilemma on Cross-Strait Economic Exchanges




民意 兩岸關係 利益 認同 認知

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Collective interests and private interests are often at odds in political life. If faced with such a dilemma, what stance would Taiwanese take? By starting from the problem, we employ cross-Strait exchanges as the case, and examine the choices of the Taiwanese people. We conduct three cross-sectional surveys to observe the dynamics of their choices both with and without dilemmas. Our research findings suggest that these people care about both collective and private interests. If the two are directly at odds with each other, these people will, however, normally be caught in between and could take a clear position on the issue. However, if they can avoid making the difficult choice, they will generally tend to stand for the collective interests. That is, if they consider cross-Strait exchanges to be good for Taiwan, they will be for such exchanges; if not, they will definitely oppose them.


于揚傑譯Hiscox, Michael J.(2005)。國際貿易與政治衝突:貿易、聯盟與要素流動程度。北京=Beijing:中國人民大學出版社=Renmin University of China。
中華民國總統府,2009,〈馬英九總統 97 年言論選集〉,http://www.president.gov.tw/portals/0/images/PresidentOffice/AboutPresident/pdf/sectionone.pdf , 查閱時間:2011/05/01。Office of the President, Republic of China. 2009. “Ma ying jiu zongtong 97 nian yanlun xuanji” [Taiwan's Renaissance President Ma Ying-jeou's Selected Addresses and Messages, 2008]. (Accessed on May 1, 2011).
中華民國總統府,2010,〈馬英九總統 98 年言論選集〉,http://www.president.gov.tw/portals/0/images/PresidentOffice/AboutPresident/pdf/98sectionone.pdf,查閱時間:2011/05/01。Office of the President, Republic of China. 2010. “Ma ying jiu zongtong 98 nian yanlun xuanji” [Taiwan's Renaissance President Ma Ying-jeou's Selected Addresses and Messages, 2009]. (Accessed on May 1, 2011).
中國國務院臺灣事務辦公室,2010,〈胡錦濤在日本橫濱會見連戰〉,http://www.gwytb.gov.cn/speech/speech/201101/t20110123_1724073.htm,查閱時間:2010/11/13。Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council PRC. 2010. “Hu jin tao zai riben hengbin huijian lian zhan” [PRC leader Hu Jintao Met with Lien Chan in Yokohama, Japan]. (Accessed on November 13, 2010).
