This research investigated gender differences and gender differential item functioning (DIF) on social studies of the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students (BCTEST) from 2001 to 2005 administrations. The results based on overall performance on social studies revealed that females performed slightly better than males among total groups and low-achieving groups (bottom 10%), but there were no significant gender differences among high-achieving groups (top 10%). The results from the analyses of performances on different subjects, cognitive demands and types of attachment materials indicated that there were generally no significant gender differences with a few exceptions. The exceptions were that females outperformed males on civics, concept comprehension items and items without attached materials and low-achieving groups. In addition, females outperformed geography, among total groups and low-achieving groups. In addition, females outperformed males on civics, and males outperformed females on geography, concept comprehension items and items with visual attachments among high-achieving groups. In the study of gender DIF, Mantel-Haenszel procedure was used. The results of DIF analyses revealed that the average percentage of items displaying gender DIF were about 8.3%. Among the factors explored in the study, the subject was the most salient factor that affected the performance of the DIF measures. All civics DIF items favored females however, most history (73.2%) and geography (80.0%) DIF items favored males. What is worthy to note, about 45% history DIF items favoring males were related to wars, and more than 50% geography DIF items favoring males were involved map reading or visualization. The follow up review and judgment were conducted for all DIF items, and no construct irrelevant factors were found. That is, though these items displaying DIF, they were not biased items. Implications based on the findings of this study were proposed for educators, test developers and researchers.