  • 期刊


東呉大學日本語文教育之回顧與展望1972~2021年|Review and Prospects of Japanese Language Education at Soochow University-1972-2021




東呉大學日本語文學系於2021年迎接了成立50週年的金禧年。回顧自1972年至2021年間,學系在各方面經歷了很多的變化。2021年11月現階段,擁有教師80名、學生1316名的東呉大學日本語文學系,不論是規模、課程、研究成果都與成立之初有很大的不同。大學的功能包含教學、研究、輔導、服務等四大項目。本論文由學系沿革、教育舵手、學生、教育內容、師生研究成果、學生指導、服務、問題及改善等側面,回顧這50年來東呉大學日本語文學系發展的軌跡,剖析其所遭遇到的危機,並提出改善的建議。期望本論文的闡述能夠提供學系展望未來的參考。|The Department of Japanese Language and Culture at Soochow University is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2021. From 1972 to 2021, the Department has undergone many changes in various aspects. The Department of Japanese Language and Culture of Soochow University, which currently has 80 teachers and 1,316 students, is very different from its inception in terms of scale, courses, and research results. The function of the university consists of four major items: teaching, research, counseling, and service. This paper reviews the development of the Department of Japanese Language and Culture at Soochow University over the past 50 years, analyzes the crises it has encountered, and makes suggestions for improvement, from the perspectives of the department's history, educational leaders, students, educational contents, faculty and research results, student guidance, services, and problems and improvements. I hope that this paper will provide a reference for the department to look forward to the future.


教育部統計處(2019)「大專校院外国語文細学類学生數」『教育統計簡訊』第 110 號 https://stats.moe.gov.tw/files/brief/ (2021 年 6 月 1 日閲覧)
教育部(2021)『各教育階段学生數預測報告(110〜125 学年度)』110 年版 https://stats.moe.gov.tw/files/analysis/110_st_report.pdf (2021 年 10 月 1 日閲覧)
教育部(2021)「歷学年学生熱愛学門排行榜」https://flo.uri.sh/visualisation/6977290/embed(2021 年 9 月 8 日閲覧)
国際交流基金(2010a)『JF 日本語教育スターンダード 2010』国際交流基金
