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Conceptualizing Mathematics Teaching by Doing Research in the Instructional Setting: A Case Study of a Pre-service Mathematics Teacher




A salient feature of this study was to include in the pre-service teacher education program the requirement to do research in the instructional setting. The theoretical perspective of this research was ”teacher as researcher”. The purpose of this case study was to investigate the processes through which a pre-service mathematics teacher learned how to teach by conducting research studies on mathematics teaching and learning. The study was carried out in the context of a two credit hour course called ”Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning”, which was designed for senior mathematics majors. The main purpose of this course was to provide the pre-service teachers a constructivist learning environment allowing them to carry out research studies on the teaching and learning of mathematics. It was expected that this would lead the pre-service teachers to thinking about instruction in mathematics in greater depth, and therefore enhance their abilities in solving problems related to the teaching of mathematics. Theoretical perspectives from symbolic interactionism and phenomenology were adopted by the researcher in an attempt to understand the conception about mathematics teaching and learning of the pre-service teacher. Qualitative research techniques were used to collect and analyze the data. Triangulation of multiple data sources was used to validate the results. The results of this study showed that the conception about mathematics teaching and learning of pre-service teacher changed gradually in the process when he was conducting the research. The resulting change was nevertheless far from being an overall change. The nature and extent of change depended on the research context that the preservice teacher had experienced. In summary, learning to teach can be viewed from the perspective of conceptual change and it can be concluded that, by providing a pre-service teacher opportunities to do research in instructional settings, teacher was found to have learned to teach mathematics.


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