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A Case Study of a Second Grade Child's Concept of Spatial Orientation under Realistic Situation


本研究目的在探究國小二年級兒童的空間定位解題活動類型。透過教學晤談法對一位國小二年兒童-小合(假名)進行十二次的晤談,根據分析的結果,本研究歸結小合的空間定位解題活動類型可能具有下列性質: 一、能以觀察者或被觀察者的特徵去指示方向。 二、能將自己定位在不同參照點,藉以指示兩物間的相對方向關係。 三、使用目測比較兩段距離的差異並自取基準量加以測量。 四、能自創不同的測量單位。 五、認為距離是透過由一物位移至另一物的路徑長。 六、透過方向與距離長度來確認位置。 七、使用左右邊或前後面代表某一個區域範圍。


The purpose of the study is to investigate a second-grade child's concept of spatial orientation. Shou-Hao (pseudo name) was interviewed 12 times via the method of a teaching interview. The researcher explored how Shou-Hao developed his concept of spatial orientation. Analysis of collected data revealed that he was able to illustrate strong spatial orientation skills in the following ways: 1. Pointing out a direction in terms of the character of the observer or the object being observed. 2. Pointing out the relative direction between two objects by locating himself to difference reference points. 3. Using a sensory-measurement method to compare the difference between two distances and then measuring it by taking two basic units. 4. Creating multi-measurement units. 5. Considering distance as the length of a path from one moving object to another. 6. Verifying position through the direction, distance, or length. 7. Representing a region by left/right and front/back sides.


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