  • 期刊


The Thought of Unifying God and Human in I-Ching (Zhou Yi) Viewed From the Angle of Obeying God and Nature Operations




順天應時 周易 天人合一


The oracle inscriptions of Shang Dynasty and documents of pre-qin dynasty show that the people in Shang and Zhou were all in awe of God. Not only did people believe in God, but also did the sagacious kings and saint who always claimed God's purpose for everything. People were also educated to obey God's will using religious explanation. The bible and bibliography of I-Ching were written by saints in the era of preqin when people believed in God. By using the external proof of the environment background and author identification, we c.[can find that the thoughts behind I-Ching is to worship only one almighty Lord (GOD); the truth discussed were all surrounded by God's thinking. This paper discusses the earliest definition of God in China by utilizing oracle scripts as proof; then it uses the methodology of explaining I-Ching by history and proving history by I-Ching to validate if the core thoughts, value, and ultimate goals of I-Ching is to unify God and human. Finally, we conclude that God's will is the rule of human via the discussions of unifying God and human by obeying God and nature operations.
